Launch event of Flagship 7 of the European Commission’s Zero Pollution Action Plan

Please save the date for the Launch event of Flagship 7 of the European Commission’s Zero Pollution Action Plan [1] - 4 April, 9.00-10.00 .

Launch of the Focus Group Smart Communities

Join us on 17 March, 10.30 CET for the launch of the Focus Group Smart Communities

SMEs are, by definition, integrated into the local ecosystem. They know the players, and are well-positioned to understand the community needs.

DUET test Clinic

Are you an urban professional or stakeholder interested in the role of data and new technologies for improving city operations, decision making and multi-stakeholder collaboration? Are you interested in testing the DUET Open Beta Digital Twin and sharing your feedback to support ongoing improvements to the platform?

Then join us for the DUET Clinic on Wednesday, March 9, 15:00-16:00 CET. During the session we will introduce the DUET platform, and give you the opportunity to test and review certain functionalities.


European Regions for Smart Communities Summit

 This Summit will be the celebration of the success and achievements from cooperation across Smart Communities and a opportunity for mutually commit to share challenges and smart solutions.

It will gather local and regional leaders from across Europe to discuss how to involve the citizens and stakeholders in co-promoting smarter small cities, towns, villages and regions for a better tomorrow, as well as key-speakers from European Institutions.

Futurium & Living-in.EU- Europe’s Digital Decade: the Role of Regions and Cities

The webinar will explore the important role of regions, cities and local communities in achieving the ambitious goals of Europe’s Digital Decade. It will take place on WebEx on Wednesday 16 March, 2022, from  13:00 to 15:00pm.

CEF Digital- 5G for Smart Communities: call launch and matchmaking

Due to the launch of the first calls for proposals for

Livinig-in.EU plenary meeting

The Living-in.EU movement was launched just over two years ago in Oulu and a signatory ceremony held at the Cities Forum 2020 in Porto. In this meeting, we will present an overview of the movement’s evolution and we would like to hear the cities’ feedback on their experiences and expectations for Living-in.EU. : For you to come well prepare to the meeting you can find below (point 3 of the agenda) three questions you will be discussing in breakout rooms.


The Data Governance Act proposal and its impact on European cities

Living-in.EU Legal and Ethics subgroup webinar (signatories only event)

Conference of Strasbourg - People-Centered Smart Cities

The Greater East Region and the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs are pleased to welcome you for the virtual conference “People-centered smart cities”, Wednesday 2nd of February 2022 at the Regional Council of the Greater East Region in Strasbourg, France.

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