
The Legal working group assesses contractual and legislative measures needed to provide cities and communities with a common EU framework for cross-sector and cross-border digital solutions.

In 2024, the Legal working group explored the implication of the AI Act for cities, regions & communities and discussed the obligation to carry out interoperability assessments stemming from the Interoperable Europe Act.

In 2025, the Legal working group will:

  • Continue to follow and analyse EU legislative measures and policy proposals and their impact across cities, regions, and member states
  • Discuss the most recent updates of the Digital Wallet legislation and pilot use cases
  • Present and discuss the ongoing work on the EC’s procurement support package (templates and guidance)
  • explore the priorities and the upcoming legislative proposals of the new European Commission on digital


Group updates


Call for action: Help shape the future interoperability assessment guidelines​!

Starting from the beginning of 2025, the upcoming Interoperable Europe Act introduces mandatory interoperability assessments for the digital public services of European public administr


New Version of AI Clauses available for discussion

Invitation for a roundtable exercise to peer review common AI procurement clauses for local authorities. Context

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