Call for action: Help shape the future interoperability assessment guidelines​!

interoperable europe
Published: 12 Feb 2024

Starting from the beginning of 2025, the upcoming Interoperable Europe Act introduces mandatory interoperability assessments for the digital public services of European public administrations involving cross-border data exchange. This requirement (set out in Article 3 of the Act proposal) will be applicable for the EU institutions, EU Member States, as well as for public administrations at the regional and local level. 

The Interoperability assessments are crucial instruments in order to discover efficient ways towards more cross-border interoperability among European public administrations​, to test if decisions can be digitally implemented​, and to reduce administrative burden and save time for citizens.​ Preparatory work for the drafting of the guidelines for these important assessments has already started with the goal to create good assessment practices that bring the most benefits and the least of burden to public administrations.   

For this reason, public administrations in the EU will have the opportunity to contribute to the development of these guidelines by participating in a pilot phase organised by Interoperable Europe.   

The test guidelines of the pilot phase aim to help the assessment of the European interoperability of your cross-border data exchanging digital public services, and to communicate the first experiences, the needs, daily realities and concrete cases that result from it. This feedback will be of great value to the Commission and will help to define the eventual assessment guidelines to develop the most efficient assessment tools that are to be adopted by the Interoperable Europe board – once established later this year.

You can indicate your interest by clicking on the following EU-survey.  


Preliminary planning outlines the following time schedule: 

Deadline for signalling your interest: 20 March 2024. 

Start of pilot performance: Beginning of April 2024. 

Sharing the results of the assessment together with feedback about the piloting exercise: The latest by the end of May 2024.

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