
Living-in.EU functions as a network of networks, consolidating projects and initiatives under one umbrella. Serving as a hub for digitalization efforts across Europe, Living-in.EU offers a platform where tools and solutions converge to streamline the digital transformation process. It collaborates and establishes partnerships with other EU initiatives and movements on smart and sustainable transformation at the local and regional level. These partnerships share goals and create synergies for more impactful outcomes. 

We value partnerships highly—they're the foundation for driving digital and green innovation in our communities.  

By linking up with these initiatives, we're not just sharing ideas; we want to give an overview. It's about making sure every city, big or small, gets to be part of Europe's digital future.  

Which projects and initiatives can you find among our partnerships?  

We partner with other EU initiatives that are in line with our goals:  

  • Relevance: Solutions and ideas must match what we're all about—helping cities and regions become smarter, more inclusive and climate-neutral, in line with Europe's digital and environmental goals.  

  • Accessibility: Everything we share needs to be easy for everyone to get and use, no matter how tech-savvy they are or where they're starting from.  

  • Scalability: We promote solutions that can grow and be replicated, fitting into different places and situations.  

  • Compliance: Everyone must play by the rules, sticking to EU laws and standards to keep things smooth and secure.  

  • Avoid overlaps: We aim to work smarter, not harder, by sharing resources and efforts rather than doubling up on what’s already out there.  

Here below you can find a list of our current partnerships, but keep in mind that this list is continuously updated as we connect with more projects and initiatives. 

5G for Smart Communities Support Platform

The 5G for Smart Communities Support Platform is an EU project dedicated to supporting stakeholders of the European Commission’s funding programme, ‘Connecting Europe Facility – Digital’, under the calls for project proposals for ‘5G for Smart Communities’. These stakeholders are usually mobile network operators and public sector bodies, including local and regional government administrations.

The European AI and robotics Testing and Experimental Facilities (TEFs) is an initiative to build a permanent capacity to test and approve these new technologies before they hit the streets.  

Testing and Experimentation Facilities (TEFs) are specialised large-scale reference sites to test state-of-the art AI and robotics solutions. They are open to all European technology providers wanting to test both software and hardware AI products and services in real-world environments.  

Support services for EU Smart Communities

In an effort to advance the digital transformation of EU communities, the European Commission (DG CNECT) has launched a collaborative effort to accelerate digital transformation with the inclusion of communities which are less advanced. These services aim to foster the adoption of local digital twins and other digital solutions across rural and urban areas, ensuring that technology is accessible to all. 

Data Spaces for Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities

The European Data Space for Smart Communities (DS4SSCC-DEP) initiative is currently undergoing its pivotal deployment phase, building upon the preparatory work of the Data Space for Sustainable and Smart Cities and Communities (DS4SSCC). The groundwork laid by DS4SSCC focused on sustainability, diversity, and the development of a multi-stakeholder data governance scheme, alongside providing priority datasets and creating a roadmap for its evolution. 


CommuniCity stands as a groundbreaking EU-funded endeavor, placing citizens at its core. Its mission? Launching 100 Tech Pilots across urban and peri-urban areas in Europe, with a focus on empowering marginalized communities. In collaboration with various stakeholders like companies, organizations, and tech providers, CommuniCity aims to harness technology to bridge the digital gap and uplift excluded communities, all while enhancing their well-being. 

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