
The Technical Working Group of works together to develop a common list of standards and technical specifications to achieve interoperability of data, systems, and platforms among cities, communities, and suppliers in Europe, enabling solutions such as open urban platforms, data spaces, and digital twins.

These standards are called Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms (MIMs) Plus, a set of practical capabilities based on open technical specifications that allow cities and communities to replicate and scale solutions globally. 

Based on the experience of working on the MIMs Plus over the last few years, the Living-in.EU Technical Working Group reviews the MIMs Plus every year to provide them with a consistent structure and greater clarity. As part of this, work  MIMs 1, 2, 4 & 7 were updated according to the new format.

For information on the MIMs Plus version 5, or 6 see below.

The latest version of the MIMs Plus (version 7) can be downloaded from the commitment section (below) or from the side.

Technical subgroup - Work plan Priorities 2025:

  • Continue the development of MIMs Plus (published MIMs Plus Version 8)

  • Develop operational guidance related to technical aspects of procurement, deployment/integration and the development of methodologies for conformance and compliance testing 

  • Explore the interconnection among platforms, to establish a European Smart communities data space and link with other data spaces

Download the 2025 Workplan here


Group updates


CitiVerse: Technical Subgroup Meeting

On the 4th of September 2023 a virtual workshop was held within the technical sub-group of led and prepared by Digitaal Vlanderen, Martine Delannoy supported by Sophie Meszaros, OASC. 

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