
The CitizensHack2022 is an opportunity for EU citizens to work on their real-life problems in collaboration with researchers and contribute to creating a more inclusive society, prosperous local economy, and sustainable future.

A co-creation journey which will help local communities to become a better place for everyone!

Who can join?

Technical workshops on Local and Regional Digital Indicators (LORDI)

The Measuring & Monitoring subgroup will organise two technical workshops on 9 December 2021 and 11 January 2022 (from 14:30 to 16:00) to discuss a first proposal for a set of Local and Regional Digital Indicators (LORDI). The workshops will focus on how digital transformation can be comprehensively measured at local and regional levels and which indicators may be used to complement/replace local DESI (Digital Economy and Society Index) in order to measure the achievement of targets set in the 2030 Digital Compass and to use in the European Semester process.

Technical workshops on Local and Regional Digital Indicators (LORDI)

The Measuring & Monitoring subgroup will organise two technical workshops on 9 December 2021 and 11 January 2022 (from 14:30 to 16:00) to discuss a first proposal for a set of Local and Regional Digital Indicators (LORDI). The workshops will focus on how digital transformation can be comprehensively measured at local and regional levels and which indicators may be used to complement/replace local DESI (Digital Economy and Society Index) in order to measure the achievement of targets set in the 2030 Digital Compass and to use in the European Semester process.

Info day - Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities topics in the DIGITAL Europe Programme

During this Info day, the next funding opportunities for Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities will be presented. The focus will be on areas such as Data Spaces for Smart Communities, Digital Solutions for the New European Bauhaus, and governance. There will be an opportunity to network and present your ideas for proposals.


Indicative Agenda:

9:30 -   Introduction (purpose, topics, deadlines, where to find the info, and agenda for the day)

The impact of the Artificial Intelligence Act proposal on European cities

On 21 April the European Commission presented the Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA), a draft regulation on Artificial Intelligence (AI) to ensure AI is safe, lawful and in line with EU fundamental rights. What will be the legal impact of the regulation on cities as providers and users of both public and private AI applications? Instead of looking at the founding principles, this webinar sets out to understand the practical impact of the proposed regulation and how it will affect cities.


The 2021 UserCentriCities Summit: Putting People First

More and more government services are moving online, and yet there is a paradox. Few can dispute the added convenience and sometimes vastly improved quality that digital delivery entails, but many find that digitally-delivered services are not yet user-friendly enough to make access easy or widespread. 

Future Proof Summit - Startups for Tech Sovereignty

Red bricks, French fries and Belgian beer. Startups join forces to hack our continent. Come to innovate, share ideas, co-create and scale-up your business!  

Futureproof Summit brings together startup founders, corporate C-levels, public decision makers, investors and world class researchers.  

One day to imagine innovations that will resist the future. FutureProof Summit 2021 is the first edition of an annual event organized by EuraTechnologies in Lille. 

High-Level Conference on AI: From Ambition to Action

At the occasion of the Slovenian Presidency of the European Council, the Slovenian Ministry of Public Administration together with the European Commission (DG Connect) will organise a joint “High-Level Conference on AI: From ambition to Action”

Smaller and Medium-sized Cities - Challenges and solutions to scaling up the digital transformation

The purpose of the event will be to look at the specific challenges and opportunities of digitalisation in smaller and medium-sized cities. Focusing in particular on the concept of interoperability as a means of accelerating digital service delivery and creating positive spill-over effects for the broader economy, we will discuss the key steps that should be taken by small and medium-sized cities or communities in their digitalisation journey and the EU tools available.

Local Digital Twins: Forging the cities of tomorrow

City managers and policy makers face challenges in delivering effective urban change due to the complex nature of city processes and systems. Local Digital Twins (LDTs) disrupt siloed policy-making by enabling systemic impact exploration of and experimentation with new ideas across virtual replicas of cities and regions. The session will engage cities interested in LDTs to raise awareness of the Commission's policy, clarify the concept, and identify what capacity-building needs they have.

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