Open Living Lab Days


OpenLivingLab Days (OLLD) is the annual global gathering of Living Labs organized by the European Network of Living Labs. This year, the event will be held in Turin, Italy, between 20-23 September. Hosted and co-organised by the City of Turin, CTE NEXT – The House of Emerging Technologies, and Torino City Lab, with the support of the Ministry of Economic Development of Italy and the participation of the European Commission. 

Citizen: Digital & Sustainable Communities


Webinar to discuss Solutions (digital and sustainable) for Cities of the Future and the role of the citizen.

TICE.PT joins several experts linked to cities and citizens for a virtual debate panel about smart cities and the needed human centric green and digital transition.


Are smarter cities, cities where people live better?

How can citizens contribute to a smarter city?

What kind of cities do we have today and what kind of cities will we have tomorrow?

13th meeting of the Commission for Economic Policy of the European Committee of the Regions

The 13th ECON commission meeting will take place at the CoR on Friday 8 July 2022, from 11:30 to 18:00 (Brussels time).

The draft agenda is available here.

During this meeting, ECON members will discuss and vote on three draft opinions on the following topics:

Open Data Initiative – High-Value Datasets

What will be the impact of the Open Data Directive on Cities?

DT4REGIONS Conference

The mid-term event of the DT4REGIONS Project "A Journey towards an EU Platform for AI and Big Data in Public Administration" will take place on 28 and 29 June 2022 in hybrid mode; speakers and partners will be present on-site in Barcelona, whereas registered participants will be able to participate online.

Open Source for Public Services

About this event

Join us for a day of engaging workshops and sessions on solutions, outcomes, and visions that the partner cities and universities have come across during the SCORE project.

This conference aims to bring together the SCORE and OASC community, as well as any other interested parties, in a hybrid event format in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and online worldwide.

The Living-in.EU experience - Interoperability as a key enabler of the digital transformation

This networking event is an opportunity to bring together various actors working to promote interoperability based on open standards, for better data sharing, and to protect citizens’ and public administrations’ data sovereignty, to raise awareness of these issues with the global community of cities, thereby uniting the supply side and to stimulate the demand side (industry and digital service providers) to respond accordingly.


In Espoo, we European cities will dream of what the city of the future will be like. We will act and share the best solutions to co-create a sustainable future. We will lead the fight against climate change. We will do all this together and be visionary. 

World Urban Forum

The World Urban Forum (WUF) is the premier global conference on sustainable urbanization. It was established in 2001 by the United Nations to examine one of the most pressing issues facing the world today: rapid urbanisation and its impact on communities, cities, economies, climate change and policies. The first WUF was held in Nairobi, Kenya in 2002 and has been held around the world ever since.

Bringing AI closer to citizens – smart communities

Cities and regions increasingly represent testbeds for technological innovation and are adopting AI and digital solutions in an agile, efficient and citizen-centred manner. The development of European smart cities and regions of the future calls not just for an innovative usage of emerging technologies such as AI, but also for new, effective and inclusive forms of collaboration across stakeholders and across borders. 

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