Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI) Re-using public sector data with ready-to-use and free of charge solutions


Funded under the Digital Europe Programme, the BDTI aims to foster the re-use of public sector data and information, by offering European public administrations the opportunity to test and experiment with a wide range of ready-to-use and source tools. The BDTI is open to all local, regional, and national European public administrations which, by participating in the BDTI, can have the opportunity to experiment with open-source technologies, free of charge, for a pilot period of six months.  

Learn more about the BDTI and apply now for the BDTI! 

Living-in.EU Open Supporters Meeting

All supporters and stakeholders are welcome to the next Living-in.EU Open Supporters' meeting, with presentations of cases already unfolding the foundations of a CitiVerse based on the Living-in.EU movement. We will provide supporters with an understanding of the needs and requirements of signatories and how they can contribute to the development of CitiVerse.

Draft Agenda

Urban Logistics Innovation Day spotlights the power of Digital Twins in sustainable urban freight

The Urban Logistics Innovation Day, scheduled for September 26, 2023, in Brussels, is set to address the challenges of decarbonizing urban freight transport and promoting sustainable urban logistics. With the increasing demand for e-commerce and business activities in cities, finding innovative solutions is crucial to meet efficiency targets and customers' expectations.

Living-in.EU at the SCEWC 2023

Held in Barcelona since 2011, Smart City Expo World Congress is the international leading event for cities. Their mission is to empower cities and collectivize urban innovation across the globe. Through promoting social innovation and identifying collaboration opportunities, the event is dedicated to creating a better future for cities and their citizens. 

Living-in.EU will be present at the SCEWC 2023 with the following sessions:

Info day - Developing CitiVerse

Info day to present the next Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) funding opportunity for Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities, for the topic Developing CitiVerse

Living-in.EU Technical Subgroup

The meeting invites all technical subgroup members of the Living-in.EU movement to join us online on the 24th of May from 1pm until 3pm (CET, Brussels Time). During this meeting, we will present the CitiVerse concept and call, with presentations of cases already unfolding the foundations of a CitiVerse based on the Living-in.EU movement.  The purpose of this meeting is to provide supporters with an understanding of the needs and requirements of signatories and how they can contribute to the development of CitiVerse. We look forward to seeing you online. 


Data Spaces for Digital Transition: Enabling data creation, access and valorisation for EU Regions

DT4REGIONS and initiatives are hosting a joint webinar on May 2, 2023, to explore the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into Digital & Data Spaces for European cities and regions.

Roundtables on Procurement Clauses of AI


Local authorities are increasingly using AI technologies and algorithmic systems to operate their cities and provide services to citizens. With AI having a bigger impact on citizens’ lives, there is a growing need for instruments that can guarantee the use of AI in a responsible and secure manner, ensuring for example transparency about the decision-making processes and accountability.

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