
Background Information

Total population
Total number of employees in the city/region administration
Total annual budget (last year or average of the last three years)
Number of ICT specialists employed directly (full-time equivalent)
Number of ICT specialists employed indirectly (subcontracting/outsourcing)

Harnessing the potential of Smart Technologies and Local Digital Twins for the New European Bauhaus

On the 6th of July at 10:00 (CEST), (digital ecosystem for the New European Bauhaus) is organising a webinar that explores the intersection of the New European Bauhaus movement, Smart Technologies, and Local Digital Twins. This will be an opportunity to identify the commonalities between both the New European Bauhaus and Living-in.EU communities.

What should a Local Digital Twin (LDT) toolbox look like?


We are happy to invite you to the online workshop on: What should a Local Digital Twin (LDT) toolbox look like?

The workshop will take place on July 12th, 14:00-16:00 CEST.

This interim workshop is part of the Digital Europe Program (DEP) project "Co-design of the Local Digital Twins (LDT) toolbox technical specifications for Advancing the transformation of Smart Communities".

Emilia-Romagna Region

Background Information

Total population
Total number of employees in the city/region administration
Total annual budget (last year or average of the last three years)
Number of ICT specialists employed directly (full-time equivalent)
Number of ICT specialists employed indirectly (subcontracting/outsourcing)


Background Information

Total population
Total number of employees in the city/region administration
Total annual budget (last year or average of the last three years)
Number of ICT specialists employed directly (full-time equivalent)
Number of ICT specialists employed indirectly (subcontracting/outsourcing)


Background Information

Total population
Total number of employees in the city/region administration
Total annual budget (last year or average of the last three years)
Number of ICT specialists employed directly (full-time equivalent)
Number of ICT specialists employed indirectly (subcontracting/outsourcing)

5G for Smart Communities Capacity Building Sessions

The 5G for Smart Communities (5GSC) Platform, together with the European Commission, are organising a series of 5GSC Capacity Building Sessions.

DT4REGIONS Project - Final Conference


The DT4REGIONS Final Conference will be held in Brussels and online on 21-22 June 2023. The event will be held at Emilia-Romagna Region - Delegation to the EU (Rue Montoyer, 21).

The main objective of the event is to showcase the work done by the DT4REGIONS project over the last two years. The event will be an occasion to reinforce the DT4REGIONS community and to involve regions, cities and communities from across Europe, encouraging all of them to share their challenges and look for common solutions on the DT4REGIONS platform.

Tech Subgroup Meeting: MIMs Plus validation & co-chair selection


This hybrid meeting invites all signatories of the Living-in.EU community to join the Tech Subgroup's last meeting of the season. In this meeting we will present the latest version of MIMs Plus to be validated by the community as well as announce who will be the co-chair of the sub-group.

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