Association of Urban Municipalities of Slovenia – AUMS (Združenje mestnih občin Slovenije - ZMOS)

ZMOS logo
Organisation Type:Association

ZMOS represents the interests of 12 urban municipalities. Out of 212 municipalities, the 12 urban municipalities cover more than a third of the population and act as regional urban centres, with a high concentration of economic, social, governmental and other public services. The core mission of ZMOS is to represent and safeguard the interests of urban municipalities on the national and international level. 

ZMOS has established an Expert Committee for Digitalisation and Smart Cities, which unites the main staff of 12 urban municipalities from this field. ZMOS is an intermediate body for the ITI mechanism for urban development, which includes funds for smart mobility solutions. ZMOS put forward the initiative to establish common digital infrastructure for Slovenian municipalities (cloud solutions, unifying the use of standards, solutions etc.)  

Contact person

Miran Košpenda, Secretary General