EU pre-standardisation roadmap for an inclusive and sustainable CitiVerse
EU pre-standardisation roadmap for an inclusive and sustainable CitiVerse
The emerging concept of CitiVerse relates to a blending of the physical and digital worlds in the context of a city, offering new services to citizens by allowing digital objects to interact with, and respond to, the physical environment in real time. However, to turn a city or an urban area into a mixed reality environment will be a complex and ongoing endeavour that requires collaboration among urban planners, technologists, policy makers and content creators.
This report distinguishes some of the specific issues for cities and communities and potential blockages or challenges that would require attention in the future when building their CitiVerse. It discusses the elements necessary to establish a comprehensive EU roadmap for inclusive, citizen-centric, and sustainable CitiVerse, identifying future standardization needs and policy issues that may need further elaboration. It was prepared by several experts and based on an open consultation with the Living-in.EU community members, and beyond. It also proposes several definitions and concepts for future discussion.
The report includes concrete recommendations derived from potential use cases in smart communities.