Local Digital Twin: innovazione e sviluppo delle competenze del territorio e delle comunità locali
La città è un sistema complesso, composto da un elevato numero di componenti che interagiscono all’interno dei (sotto)sistemi che la compongono. In particolare, negli ambienti attuali, caratterizzati da ambiti diversi e soggetti a crisi climatiche, ambientali, economiche e sociali, sempre più complesse e difficili da risolvere, la necessità di perseguire uno sviluppo pienamente sostenibile appare sempre più urgente.
Fondazione FORMIT
AnciLab has substantial experience in driving digital transformation and fostering smart communities. The efforts focus on supporting local authorities and public administration in adopting digital technologies addressing the digital transition. Through its Research and Development labs, AnciLab explores artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and sustainable city planning to support local administrations in addressing digital and sustainability challenges.
Roma Tre University
Over Holding Srl
Latitudo 40
Open Living Lab Days
OpenLivingLab Days (OLLD) is the annual global gathering of Living Labs organized by the European Network of Living Labs. This year, the event will be held in Turin, Italy, between 20-23 September. Hosted and co-organised by the City of Turin, CTE NEXT – The House of Emerging Technologies, and Torino City Lab, with the support of the Ministry of Economic Development of Italy and the participation of the European Commission.