

1.1 - Skills

Does the local authority have internally any position such as service designers OR user researchers OR user experience experts?
Has the local authority provided training on service design or user research to its employees in the last three years?
Has the local authority provided training on ICT to its employees in the last three years?
Has the local authority provided training on ICT to citizens in the last three years?
Evidence: The “Digital Grandparents” ( project aims to facilitate access to online services and other digital tools to the over 65s. Number of people trained: 60.

1.2 - Strategies

Does the local authority have a digital strategy less than three years old?
Evidence: DUP - Documento Unico di Programmazione 2022/2025:
Does the local authority have a position of Chief Digital Officer or equivalent?
Evidence: With the Municipality Act n. 144 /2018, the General Secretary has been appointed Responsible for Digital Transaction (RTD). The Responsible for Digital Transaction (RTD) is a managerial figure who reports directly to the top management of the institution (for example, in a Municipality, he reports to the Mayor) and who, in essence, sums up the skills and competences of Innovation Manager and the Chief Digital Officer. The Responsible for Digital Transaction (RTD) is therefore a top management figure within the administration with technological, IT-legal and organizational skills and who has powers of impulse and coordination in the path of simplification and inclusive growth of the Public Administrations. Its mission is to innovate internal processes and procedures but always with a particular focus on the renewal of interactions with citizens to restore transparency, immediacy and usable and open services.
Does the local authority have formal service standard (like for instance the UK Government Digital Service standards)?
Does the local authority have design guidelines valid across departments, including for instance standards or protocols for simple language?
Evidence: 2022 AGID guidelines for PA digital services design (
Does the local authority have in place formal methods to monitor and enforce such service standards and design guidelines?
Are service design or user experience mentioned in digital strategy or some other strategy level document?

1.3 - Ecosystem

Does the local authority provide APIs to other administrations and to private companies?
Does the local authority use standardised services modules, provided at national or European level (e.g. CEF building blocks, national payment service or eID)?
Evidence: It is moving to the centralized National Resident Population Registry (ANPR) and integrating: - PagoPA, the Public Administration payment platform, with all online and offline services to citizens - SPID, the single digital identity system It is conveying all digital services on the IO public service App, issuing thse Electronic Identity Card (CIE) to all citizens and using open software, shared infrastructures and cloud services.
Has the local authority carried out within the last two years innovative forms of procurement, such as pre-commercial procurement, hackathons, other forms of collaboration with SMEs and startups?

User-Centricity Performance

2.1 - Co-creation

Does the local authority habitually (as standard practice on every new digital service) use service co-design / user research sessions in developing its services before their launch?
Does the local authority habitually carry out users' research sessions on a regular basis (at least once a year) AFTER the launch of a service?
Does the local authority habitually use specific service co-design / user research sessions with disadvantaged communities (e.g. minorities, elderly, disabled people, etc.)?
Does the local authority habitually use web analytics and other service data to improve digital services (e.g. completion rates and most frequent errors)?
Evidence: Web Analytics provided by AgID Italia:
Does the local authority habitually plan for releasing regular (at least once a year) new releases for existing digital services (not including technical updates automatically provided by software provider)?

2.2 - Supply of online services

Does the local authority provide the majority of services fully online (out of total services provided that could potentially be digitalised)?
Does the local authority have a dedicated app that is downloaded by more than 20% of the population?
Does the local authority offer at least one proactive service, where users are automatically signed up for a service based on the government-held data?
Has the local authority already fulfilled the requirements of the Single Digital Gateway (deadline end of 2022)?
Does the local authority provide habitually to citizens the possibility to check online the progress status of the services they request?

2.3 - Useability

Does the local authority habitually carry out useability assessment of its online services, using standard tools such as System Useability Scale (SUS)?
Do all the websites or websites sections of the local authority have consistent design and look&feel?
Evidence: AgID directive provides the municipalities with the needed standards:
Does the local authority provide the possibility to citizens to have live audio/video interaction (such as videoconference or single telephone number)?
Evidence: Unico Live ( guarantees citizens access to the services of the Sportello Unico, such as TARI, IMU and change of residence requests, through qualified online consultancy provided by the staff of the Municipality of Arezzo. The service is carried out via videoconference and the exchange of forms, which if needed, can be send via email or WhatsApp.
Are the local authority web services in line with accessibility guidelines (WCAG)?
Evidence: AgID accessibility declaration:

2.4 - Security and privacy

Are the users able to use national eID, as a means of authentication for online services requiring authentication?
Evidence: SPID is the national and compulsory single digital identity system
Has the local authority put in place measures to ensure citizens' control over the data held about them (such as seeing who has access to the data and for what reason, correcting data, etc.)?
Evidence: Municipality of Arezzo privacy policy:
Has the local authority in place documents on measures, practices or procedures on ICT security?

2.5 - Citizens redress and feedback mechanisms

Does the local authority provide online mechanisms for both citizens and businesses to complain and seek change to a decision?
Has the local authority put in place structured means for users to provide feedback?

2.6 - Interoperability

Does the local authority apply the once-only principle in its services, so that citizens are not required to submit documents already held by the administration?
Does the local authority encourage the use of standards in IT development and procurement?
Has the local authority policies in place to encourage the use of open source solutions?


3.1 - Adoption

Considering only services that are available online, are the majority of transactions carried out online?
Evidence: When a new service is online, we always record a significant decrease of the tournout at the physical desk and often employees are diverted to service management with huge time savings and speeding up the completion of the practices; approx. 70% of the practices are completed online.
Does the local authority publish data on usage of online services (such as a dashboard with metrics on transactions) on a regular basis?

3.2 - Reduction of burden

Does the authority measure the average time saved by citizens when using an online service compared to the offline one?
Does the authority measure the amount of annual financial savings for the public administration?

3.3 - Satisfaction

Does the local authority measure the citizens’ level of satisfaction with regards to the services’ provision?
Is the share of satisfied users above 80%?

Background Information

Total population
Total number of employees in the city/region administration
Total annual budget (last year or average of the last three years)
Number of ICT specialists employed directly (full-time equivalent)
Number of ICT specialists employed indirectly (subcontracting/outsourcing)

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