

1.1 - Skills

Does the local authority have internally any position such as service designers OR user researchers OR user experience experts?
Has the local authority provided training on service design or user research to its employees in the last three years?
Has the local authority provided training on ICT to its employees in the last three years?
Evidence: The municipality provides courses for all employees, depending on their department and the tools they use, this training is varied and provides economical compensation. E.g. the use of specific computer programmes and tools. This also includes the ICT department of 40, all of which have done trainings in the last three years.
Has the local authority provided training on ICT to citizens in the last three years?
Evidence: Yes, there has been training in the use of computers and smartphones to decrease the digital divide, provided to approximately 240 individuals. Training took place at municipal libraries and physical attendance was required. Due to COVID-19 this process has been halted and currently the municipality is reviewing when to continue this activity. A online version has been discarded as it focusses on the most basic use of computers and smartphones.

1.2 - Strategies

Does the local authority have a digital strategy less than three years old?
Evidence: Murcia Smart City Strategic Plan (Smart Murcia) from 2015 to "implement an integrating management model that optimizes municipal services and resources in a 'Smart' model, so citizens perceive an open, interconnected, close and agile City Council, oriented to their day-to-day needs. This plan was revised and updated in 2019, and due to COVID-19 will soon be revised to accommodate all the changes suffered in consequence (E.g. effects of teleworking and teleassistance, etc.). Process coordinated by the Smart Murcia Office and of the Single Monitoring Center (CEUS). In 2022 The City Council decided to forgo a single global Strategic Plan for Digital Transformation, and implement Digital Transformation Strategies by areas, to this end, “Digital Transformation in Traffic and Transport”, Digital transformation we have component 11 of the PRTR with renewal of the communications systems, cybersecurity, eAdmin and two synchronized CPDs. And Digital transformation of Tourism (Component 14 with at least 18 planned projects e.g. digitization of mobile payment systems, citizen card and trade platform). To undertake all these changes, it has been necessary to restructure the Municipal ICT Service, creating a new structure, defining new function sheets and incorporating more personnel to be able to assume the current and expected workload.
Does the local authority have a position of Chief Digital Officer or equivalent?
Evidence: Mr. Javier Párraga González, Director of Digital Transformation, Murcia Municipality.
Does the local authority have formal service standard (like for instance the UK Government Digital Service standards)?
Does the local authority have design guidelines valid across departments, including for instance standards or protocols for simple language?
Evidence: Yes, apart from the Murcia Smart City Platform API, Murcia uses Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), guidelines that provide comprehensive technical guidance on how to create accessible web content, including the principles of simple language, which helps people with disabilities access digital content. The ISO/IEC 24752, which is a standard that provides guidelines for the design and development of accessible user interfaces for ICT products and services. It covers a wide range of issues, including visual and auditory interfaces, input and output devices, and user assistance. And is in process of concurrently and simultaneously adhering to the European Accessibility Act, regulation that was adopted by the EU in 2019 and is set to come into force in 2025, two years from now, which aims to harmonize accessibility requirements for a wide range of products and services, including ICT. It sets out specific accessibility requirements, such as providing information in accessible formats and ensuring compatibility with assistive technologies.
Does the local authority have in place formal methods to monitor and enforce such service standards and design guidelines?
Evidence: The municipality has identified KPIs that are used to measure the performance of online services against the service standards and design guidelines. These KPIs include metrics such as response time, availability, user satisfaction, and accessibility. As well as an internal system for monitoring the performance of online services against the service standards and design guidelines which is based on web analytics and user feedback surveys i.a. and enforcing the guidelines is done by conducting regular audits and inspections of online services, both internal and external.
Are service design or user experience mentioned in digital strategy or some other strategy level document?
Evidence: Murcia Smart City Project: “MiMurcia: Your Smart, Accessible, Open and Innovative Municipality”

1.3 - Ecosystem

Does the local authority provide APIs to other administrations and to private companies?
Evidence: For research projects, we share the NGSI API of the Smart City Platform. (E.g. with Murcia University)
Does the local authority use standardised services modules, provided at national or European level (e.g. CEF building blocks, national payment service or eID)?
Evidence: The Smart City platform is based on the Context Broker component which is a CEF element.
Has the local authority carried out within the last two years innovative forms of procurement, such as pre-commercial procurement, hackathons, other forms of collaboration with SMEs and startups?
Evidence: Yes, the creation of two Hubs for Startups and SMEs, the Hub for Circular Economy and the Hub for Open Innovation. As well as the MURCIA i-City Summit 2023, which includes a pitching competition for Startups and a Hackathon.

User-Centricity Performance

2.1 - Co-creation

Does the local authority habitually (as standard practice on every new digital service) use service co-design / user research sessions in developing its services before their launch?
Evidence: Both in the MiMurcia project and in other ALEM (municipal energy agency) projects, co-creation sessions have been held, as well as participatory round-tables to involve different groups and collectives in the different proposals. E.g. the city App TuMurcia. The same goes for new tools and apps that are being developed or have been developed recently, for example the e-government tools that allow citizens to carry out their procedures without the need to physically travel to a government office or agency, saving time and simplifying the process, which in Murcia’s case includes our citizen folder, which is a tool that allows citizens to access their personal data and documents, as well as carry out electronic procedures and management tasks with the Public Administration. A virtual space in which citizens can store and consult information related to their municipal dealings, and also receive electronic notifications and communications. The citizen folder was co-designed involving and engaging citizens in the design and delivery of this public service, as the end-user they suppose. This has enables the municipality to provide a more citizen-centered, effective, and efficient service, that responds to the evolving needs and expectations of citizens. Using focus groups and test-cases that provided feedback on the proposed service, and the co-creating improvements to the proposed solutions. The most recent significant example of the use of our electronic administration by the citizen was in the last Public Employment Offer of November 2022, open for 20 days, in which more than 70,000 applications were submitted, of which more than 80% were made online. In addition, the citizen will have their own profile, defined on the Smart Murcia platform, within the MiMurcia project, which allows them to define by what means they want the Local Administration to contact them and what topics are of interest to notify them of news and updates.
Does the local authority habitually carry out users' research sessions on a regular basis (at least once a year) AFTER the launch of a service?
Does the local authority habitually use specific service co-design / user research sessions with disadvantaged communities (e.g. minorities, elderly, disabled people, etc.)?
Does the local authority habitually use web analytics and other service data to improve digital services (e.g. completion rates and most frequent errors)?
Does the local authority habitually plan for releasing regular (at least once a year) new releases for existing digital services (not including technical updates automatically provided by software provider)?

2.2 - Supply of online services

Does the local authority provide the majority of services fully online (out of total services provided that could potentially be digitalised)?
Evidence: The current amount of municipal procedures that can be done completely online is 83%. This includes the e-governance platform for municipal procedures that include items like registering a pet to apply for economic help or benefits, from authorisation for reforms (construction) to paying fees taxes. It also includes, the Citizen Participation Portal And the Transparency Portal
Does the local authority have a dedicated app that is downloaded by more than 20% of the population?
Evidence: TuMurcia (City App) 010 accesible (Attention to citizens App) Murcia Emplea (Employment App) Turismo de Murcia (Tourism App) Muralla de Murcia (Heritage App) Murcia Medieval Quiz Game IN SITU (App for repairs, maintenance, replacements and conservation sidewalks, driveways and pedestrian áreas in the city of Murcia) Alumbrado Público de Murcia (App for Public Lighting) PROMURCIA (Tender and Offers Portal for public procurement)
Does the local authority offer at least one proactive service, where users are automatically signed up for a service based on the government-held data?
Has the local authority already fulfilled the requirements of the Single Digital Gateway (deadline end of 2022)?
Does the local authority provide habitually to citizens the possibility to check online the progress status of the services they request?

2.3 - Useability

Does the local authority habitually carry out useability assessment of its online services, using standard tools such as System Useability Scale (SUS)?
Do all the websites or websites sections of the local authority have consistent design and look&feel?
Evidence: Yes, use of colour palette, consistent text size and fonts used, etc. most municipal services are located on the main page The pages that deviate are those managed externally and with a specific purpose.
Does the local authority provide the possibility to citizens to have live audio/video interaction (such as videoconference or single telephone number)?
Evidence: Murcia has a single citizen attention phone number, 010. Also, Murcia has implemented an APP also called 010 aimed at deaf or hearing impaired people who use sign language in their relations with public administrations as well as for carrying out municipal procedures. A new service that is provided both online and offline.
Are the local authority web services in line with accessibility guidelines (WCAG)?
Evidence: Yes, for example, the entire municipal website complies with the accessibility guidelines, as do all the portals related to and created by/for MiMurcia, the Smart City project.

2.4 - Security and privacy

Are the users able to use national eID, as a means of authentication for online services requiring authentication?
Evidence: Yes, we use Cl@ve, the national eID solution.
Has the local authority put in place measures to ensure citizens' control over the data held about them (such as seeing who has access to the data and for what reason, correcting data, etc.)?
Evidence: No specific municipal guidelines, but scrupulous compliance with European and National regulation, citizens may access the transparency portal as well as the privacy statements that inform them of all mandatory details. E.g. the municipal census, people may inscibe themselves and automatically get deregistered if they inscibe themselves in another Spanish Municipality.
Has the local authority in place documents on measures, practices or procedures on ICT security?
Evidence: We have completed this first quarter of 2023 a security audit for compliance with the National Security Scheme of Royal Decree 311/2022, of May 3 ( ) Yes, we have an approved Security Policy document from the Murcia City Council of 4/20/2021 ( and a Technical Security Committee where all the documentation of the norms and standard internal procedures for the entire City Council is prepared. In 2021 we have created a cybersecurity area, dependent on the new Digital Transformation Office, which is implementing the ENS (What is the ENS (, the EDR, 2FA, SIEM, new communications systems, new FW, etc. and planned a Security Operations Center (SOC).

2.5 - Citizens redress and feedback mechanisms

Does the local authority provide online mechanisms for both citizens and businesses to complain and seek change to a decision?
Evidence: Municipal Register (accessible on and offline) App TuMurcia (connected to CRM - Citizen Relationship Management) Citizen Participation Platform (includes municipal ordinances drafts and city strategies) (all previously mentioned)
Has the local authority put in place structured means for users to provide feedback?
Evidence: Municipal Register (accessible on and offline) App TuMurcia (connected to CRM - Citizen Relationship Management) Citizen Participation Platform (includes municipal ordinances drafts and city strategies) (all previously mentioned)

2.6 - Interoperability

Does the local authority apply the once-only principle in its services, so that citizens are not required to submit documents already held by the administration?
Does the local authority encourage the use of standards in IT development and procurement?
Has the local authority policies in place to encourage the use of open source solutions?


3.1 - Adoption

Considering only services that are available online, are the majority of transactions carried out online?
Evidence: Considering only services that are available online, referencing individual actions/procedures the majority (over 50%) of the volume is carried out online. Awaiting precific data to provide.
Does the local authority publish data on usage of online services (such as a dashboard with metrics on transactions) on a regular basis?

3.2 - Reduction of burden

Does the authority measure the average time saved by citizens when using an online service compared to the offline one?
Does the authority measure the amount of annual financial savings for the public administration?

3.3 - Satisfaction

Does the local authority measure the citizens’ level of satisfaction with regards to the services’ provision?
Is the share of satisfied users above 80%?

Background Information

Total population
Total number of employees in the city/region administration
Total annual budget (last year or average of the last three years)
Number of ICT specialists employed directly (full-time equivalent)
Number of ICT specialists employed indirectly (subcontracting/outsourcing)

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