Technical workshops on Local and Regional Digital Indicators (LORDI)

source: pixabay
11 Jan 2022

The Measuring & Monitoring subgroup will organise two technical workshops on 9 December 2021 and 11 January 2022 (from 14:30 to 16:00) to discuss a first proposal for a set of Local and Regional Digital Indicators (LORDI). The workshops will focus on how digital transformation can be comprehensively measured at local and regional levels and which indicators may be used to complement/replace local DESI (Digital Economy and Society Index) in order to measure the achievement of targets set in the 2030 Digital Compass and to use in the European Semester process.

These new indicators will directly feed into the work of the European Commission and the European Committee of the Regions and their representatives will participate in the workshops.

The new set of indicators will be based on the ongoing DIGISER project and its comprehensive survey and will include indicators on governance, infrastructure, skills and capacity.

We warmly invite LI.EU signatories and their experts to join the workshops. Interested participants are invited to join by indicating their wish to

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