Populating the Living-in.EU Catalogue of Tools

Populating catalogue of tools
06 Nov 2023

The Living-in.EU Catalogue of Tools is a core component of the broader Living-in.EU initiative aimed at fostering digital transformation in European cities, communities, and regions. Living-in.EU specifically focuses on producing, collecting, and publishing capacity-building and other tools relevant for signatories, supporters and the broader community. These tools are essential for supporting local authorities, policymakers, urban planners, community leaders, and other stakeholders in making informed decisions within their unique contexts.

The primary objective of this workshop is to gather and curate a diverse collection of digital transformation tools that will populate the Living-in.EU Catalogue. After the workshop, the team will proceed with the systematic collection, evaluation, and entry creation process. Regular updates and quality control measures will be implemented to ensure the Catalogue remains a valuable resource for the Living-in.EU community.

Participate in the workshop if you're interested in gaining knowledge and sharing your tools! 


14:00 - 14:10: Welcome and introduction - Giacomo Lozzi, ENoLL 

14:10 - 14:20: Presentation of Living-in.EU, the Education & Capacity Building Working Group and the Catalogue of Tools. 

14:20 - 15:20: Interactive exercise 

  • Give feedback on the structure of the Catalogue
  • Report their tools

15:20 - 15:30: Wrap-up and next steps 

Registrations are already open at this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYocOyurTMjGtDs1O7wrH6F6KKbZb…


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