High-Level Conference on AI: From Ambition to Action

Poster from the event with title and date
14 - 15 Sep 2021

At the occasion of the Slovenian Presidency of the European Council, the Slovenian Ministry of Public Administration together with the European Commission (DG Connect) will organise a joint “High-Level Conference on AI: From ambition to Action”.

The event follows up on the Proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonised rules on AI and the updated Coordinated Plan on AI, published by the European Commission in April 2021, as well as the previous editions of the European AI Alliance Assembly. The joint efforts of the Slovenian Presidency of the European Council and the European Commission in organising this event mark another important milestone aiming to bring policymaking efforts 'From Ambition to Action' and turn Europe into a global hub of excellence and trust in AI.

The conference will unfold around a number of inspirational speeches, panel discussions and breakout sessions featuring experts and policy makers from EU Member States, third countries, international organisations, academia, civil society as well as business representatives. Each of the 2 days will be introduced at the highest-level by the European Commission’s Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager, Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton, Slovenian Minister of Public Administration Boštjan Koritnik and Mark Boris Andrijanič, Minister for the Digital Transformation.

Explore the draft agenda

The High-Level Conference on AI: From Ambition to Action will be a hybrid event taking place in the Brdo Congress Centre in Slovenia. Given current COVID related restrictions, interested stakeholders can register to attend the event via live web streaming.  

Register for the event

To facilitate the interaction with the AI community in the frame of the event, the organisers have planned a series of blogposts and open discussions through the European AI Alliance. This will enable conference speakers and participants to shape the discussions and to debate next steps on how to advance human-centric AI on the global stage.

Become a member of the AI Alliance

You can also follow our social media channels on Twitter: @EU2021SI and @RoboticsEU or simply use the hashtags: #AIHLC#AIAlliance#FromAmbitionToAction.


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