Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Digital Call 3: 5G and Edge Cloud for Smart Communities

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Online event |
07 Nov 2023


This Info Day aims to support and guide call applicants for their upcoming projects submissions, as well as invite stakeholders to connect with potential partners through matchmaking.

The session is open to:

  • Telecommunication and technology companies
  • Socio-economic drivers proposing 5G use cases (particularly in the areas of health, education, mobility, security, rural development, agriculture and government)European associations and networks relating to the above use case areas, as well as to 5G telecommunications and technology
  •  Municipalities
  • Academia and research institutions
  • European Broadband Competence Offices 

The European Commission also encourages attendance by local authorities who could be interested to future CEF Digital calls, as well as any other relevant stakeholder.

Find more information and agenda here

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