Living-in.EU Legal Working Group Meeting: Deep-Dive into the LDT Procurement Templates
Focus of the webinar
Procurement of digital solutions, services and applications is essential for public administrations as it enables them to leverage technology to improve public services, enhance efficiency, and address complex societal challenges. By fostering innovation through procurement, cities and governments can facilitate their smart, sustainable and human-centred transformation.
Digital approaches to providing integration services to migrants
In May 2024, the EU agreed on the New Pact on Migration and Asylum that is set to govern the EU's approach to managing migration and aims to set up a common European asylum system. According to the New Pact, technology plays a central role in implementing migration policies, especially when it comes to the control of border and migration movements. Technological solutions aim to enhance control and reduce irregular immigration.
PXL University of Applied Sciences
The European Digital Infrastructure Consortium (EDICs) and multi-country projects: what is new and what is in it for cities and regions?
As recently emerged in a series of interviews with Living-in.EU signatories published by Eurocities, to ensure participation of local and regional authorities in European funding programmes, more direct and innovative sources of funding are needed.
Connecting People for the Twin Transition - Networking Reception
Following the Living-in.EU Digital Assembly, Living-in.EU is excited to host a special networking event titled "Connecting People for the Twin Transition."
This event will take place on Wednesday, 9 October, from 17:00 to 19:00 at Scotland House, Rond-point Schuman, 6; 1000 Brussels.
5GSC Community Conference
The 5G for Smart Communities Support Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, is organising its annual Community Conference for the CEF Digital 5G for Smart Communities stakeholders. This gathering will take place as an engaging Cluster Meeting, designed to foster collaboration and innovation.
Living-in.EU Digital Assembly at the European Week of Regions and Cities 2024
During the European Week of Regions and Cities 2024, the Living-in.EU movement will organise its second EU Digital Assembly in Brussels. The event will be on Wednesday 9 October 2024, from 14:30 to 16:00, in the Committee of the Regions (Jacques Delors building).
Digital Democracy in Action
The European political party Volt is organising the open Digital Democracy in Action event as part of the Volt Discussion Series (VDS). Both Volt-members and non-members are welcome.
Three panels will discuss important topics regarding the digital transformation of society together with Volt EP candidates and representatives, experts, and other guests.
Bridging the Digital Divide by 2030
On March 20th, Living-in.EU is proud to partner with Bordeaux Métropole for a special morning session at the Press Club, in Brussels:
“Bridging the Digital Divide by 2030”, an advocacy session to tackle this crucial issue at European level
Preliminary agenda: