City officers and experts

As a city officer or expert, your role in public administration is pivotal in shaping and implementing digital agendas and priorities.

The European Commission offers an extensive range of services, tools, and information to support EU communities in their digital transformation journey, regardless of their size or maturity level. 


Online Procurement Helpdesk

The Online Procurement Helpdesk for Smart Communities is a support service launched by the European Commission to advance the digital maturity of EU cities and communities in their early stages of digital transformation.


Smart Communities Network

The Smart Communities Network is an EU wide community of organisations representing cities and municipalities in 27 EU Member States, which can support local communities in their early stages of digital transformation.


Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base is a repository of training and capacity-building materials, to guide your daily work in navigating digitalisation.


Catalogue of Tools

Explore a comprehensive collection of tools to support EU communities in their digitalisation journey, such as LORDIMAS to self-assess digital maturity, the Local Digital Twin Toolbox (upcoming), procurement templates, or the MIMs Plus.

To ensure that as many cities and communities as possible can take advantage of Local Digital Twins and other digital techonologies, and to foster a fair and innovative European digital twin market, ensuring spaces for working together, sharing knowledge and best practices is essential.

Jordi Ortuño, Innovation Manager at the Knowledge Society Office of the Barcelona City Council

A collaborative approach

Sharing knowledge and best practices is crucial for driving innovation and ensuring the success of digital transformation across the EU. By learning from each other's experiences, cities can avoid common pitfalls, accelerate their digital initiatives, and create more effective and sustainable solutions.

  • Browse through our stories and solutions database to find inspiring stories about communities embarking their digital transformation journey, or to find digital solutions that you can implement in your territory.
  • Join the Living-in.EU working groups to exchange with other experts around specific topics, contribute to co-creating digital tools and solutions, and participate in formulating policies about digitalisation of EU communities.

Training and dissemination sessions

If you want to learn more about how the EC can support your digitalisation efforts, sign up for your national events
Bulgaria hybrid event banner
Hybrid mode

Increasing Digitalisation Awareness and Readiness of Bulgarian Communities

<p>The European Commission has recently launched a new initiative to “Increase Digitalisation Awareness & Readi...
Latvia Hybrid event
Hybrid mode

Increasing digitalisation awareness and readiness of Latvian communities

<p><strong>[Latvian below]</strong></p>
Denmark Lot 1 Dissemination
Hybrid mode

Increasing Digitalisation Awareness and Readiness of Danish Communities

<p>The European Commission has recently launched a new initiative to “Increase Digitalisation Awareness & Readi...