Data Spaces for Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities (DS4SSCC) Blueprint

The blueprint for a data space is a detailed plan that outlines the structure, governance, and technology needed to create, manage, and utilize a shared data environment. Data spaces are collaborative ecosystems where data can be exchanged and used among various stakeholders in a secure, interoperable, and efficient manner. 

The DS4SSCC blueprint for smart and sustainable cities and communities has a non-technical and a technical part.

The non-technical part includes:

  • A multi-stakeholder governance scheme, that aims to provide a baseline modality for data access and exchange in the deployment phase of DS4SSCC and facilitate the development of trustworthy local data ecosystems which align with European values.;
  • A code of conduct,which includes the principles and vision of the data space for smart communities, details the roles and responsibilities of participants, proposes governance structures, and reviews the legal and contractual frameworks relevant to DS4SSCC data sharig.

The technical part includes

  • The building blocks (technical and non-technical) required to set up and operate the data space for smart and sustainable cities and communities. 
  • The Catalogue of Technical Specifications for those building blocks;
  • The Reference Architecture, which explains how to use those BBs in a coherent and consistent manner to develop the functionality which is expected to be provided by a data spaces.

Plus, it offers some uses cases, a priority datasets and roadmap for implementing data spaces for smart and sustainable cities and communities.

Moreover, there also short lessons on DS4SSCC and its blueprint that you can use to delve into the field here