Support services for EU smart communities

In today's digital age, European urban and rural communities are progressing in their digital transformations, but not all are moving at the same pace. Some communities have already embraced advanced digital technologies, like Local Digital Twins, AI, and high-performance computing, while others are just starting to invest in their digital journey.

Through the Digital Europe Programme, the European Commission has launched a collaborative effort to accelerate digital transformation in EU communities. These services aim to foster the adoption of local digital twins and other digital solutions across rural and urban areas, ensuring that technology is accessible to all.

A hand holding the replica of a city.

Main objectives:

The initiative focuses on three key objectives:

  • Increasing awareness and readiness, supporting EU communities that have not yet begun their digital transformation journey by providing resources, best practices, and training to develop digital strategies.
  • Scaling deployment of digital infrastructure, assisting communities with existing digital transformation strategies in deploying enabling digital infrastructures and tools based on commonly agreed standards.
  • Promoting Local Digital Twins, creating a European Local Digital Twin (LDT) toolbox that will facilitate the deployment of digital twins for innovative urban planning and sustainable solutions.

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LDT Procurement Workshop

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<p>The Support Services for EU Smart Communities project assist early stage and scaling EU cities and communities in de...
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These services are provided as part of the Local Digital Twins toolbox procurement - Advancing initial stages for the transformation of Smart Communities - Lot 1 and Lot 2, as described in the Digital Europe programme, and funded by the European Union.

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