Local Government Management Agency (LGMA)

Organisation Type:Public Agency

The LGMA is a state agency that provides a range of professional services to local authorities. They work collaboratively with all 31 local authorities to support the coordinated and cost-effective delivery of local government services and policy. They also help local authorities to implement change and enhance performance. The LGMA was established in 2012 and is an agency of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, primarily funded by local authorities. 

The LGMA has a long history of leading digitalisation in the sector and coordinates the provision of various IT systems for local authorities in Ireland. It provides the social housing system for 27 local authorities and the planning application system for 24 local authorities. It coordinates the financial management system for 28 local authorities and the HR/payroll system for all 31 local authorities. The LGMA is leading the implementation of an online planning applications system for all 31 local authorities. The LGMA is leading the development of a local government portal which will be a central source of information about local government in Ireland. The LGMA represents all local authorities on the All Ireland Smart Cities Forum. The LGMA is also responsible for the development of, and managing the implementation of, “Digital Local Government : Working for Everyone” which is Ireland’s Local Government Digital and ICT Strategy 2030.

Contact person:

David Dromey, Manager - Programme Management and Innovation Office