Cap Digital

Cap Digital is the French Hub for digital and ecological transformation. Created in 2006 as a non-profit organisation, Cap Digital is today recognised as the biggest cluster in Europe and one of the largest innovators’ collective in the digital ecosystem. Since 2014, they have been certified as 'Cluster of excellence' by the European Commission (Gold Label). Their 1000+ members are distributed through 6 major activity fields. One of the 6 fields/sectors, sustainable cities, brings together all innovations from ecologic transition to digital transformation and urbanism that have been implemented in experimental territories.
Support to public authorities on smart territories: Cap Digital is their guide to discover the tech ecosystem in Paris, inspire their own ecosystem and develop new projects. They help them transform and make their territory more innovative. They can assist them to attract, experiment and implement innovations on: E-Gov and digital services for citizens; Flow of People and Mobility in the City; Bridging the gap between town and country: education, health and mobility; Smart building and sustainable neighbourhood; Structuring the digital tourism sector by enabling innovative projects to emerge; Deploying new energy solutions; Exploring the benefits of the last mile delivery.
Contact person:
Alexandre Chaffotte
Project leader - Program manager Research, Development & Innovation