Ressources et dispositifs européens d’appui à la transition numérique des territoires
Date. 25 mars 2025. De 16h30 à 18h00
Public concerné. Collectivités locales.Entreprise. Partenaires
Format. Hybride
Quel accompagnement l’Europe propose-t-elle aux territoires français pour leur transition numérique ? Comment les jumeaux numériques locaux peuvent-ils aider les collectivités à piloter leurs politiques publiques ?
Forum inCyber
The Forum inCyber (FIC) is Europe's largest cybersecurity event, with 19,000 participants from over 100 countries welcomed at the last edition in March 2024. The FIC is both a three-day conference - with ministers, CISOs, CTOs and European Commissioners - and an exhibition with some 500 partners present from across the public and private sectors, including a large number of start-ups, SMEs and innovative research laboratories, as well as a number of high-level speakers from the European institutions and agencies as well as Member State delegations.
NALAS - Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South East Europe
NALAS - Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South East Europe
Cap Digital
Support to public authorities on smart territories: Cap Digital is their guide to discover the tech ecosystem in Paris, inspire their own ecosystem and develop new projects. They help them transform and make their territory more innovative.
Centre for Studies and Expertise on Risks, the Environment, Mobility and Urban Planning (Cerema)
Cerema's long-standing activities support local and regional authorities through a recently renewed objectives contract with the government. This involves offering a wide range of expertise to state and local entities, leveraging scientific knowledge and innovative approaches, particularly digital technology. Cerema operates across France with 26 locations and 2,500 employees in nine regional divisions, enhancing its effectiveness.