The Vanguard Initiative: Boosting the digital transition by connecting regional innovation ecosystems

Workshop Vanguard Initiative
12 Oct 2022

The main objective of the Vanguard Initiative is to allow its member regions to collaborate in order to pursue innovation and create opportunities to stimulate territorial and societal renewal. In this context, the seminar will seek to provide information on how Vanguard Initiative regions are contributing to the digital transition by connecting their innovation ecosystems and by co-developing interregional value chains.


Patricia Argerey, Director of the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN) 

Gabriela Macoveiu, Director for Communication, Innovation and External Cooperation ADR Nord-Est, North East Romania 

Denisa Perrin, Deputy Head of Unit EU and place-based Innovation Ecosystems, European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA), European Commission 

Martin Van Gruijthuisjen, Regional Minister for Economy, Finance, Knowledge and Talent Development of Noord-Brabant, Committee of the Regions shadow rapporteur on the EU Chips Act


Farha Brahimi, Network Manager Vanguard Initiative 

Video Testimonials: 

António Cunha, President of Norte Regional Coordination and Development Commission and the of the Managing Authority, CCDR-Norte 

Eddy Van Hijum, Regional Minister for the Economy, Province of Overijssel

Maritta Perälä-Heape, Professor of practice (PhD), Centre for Health and Technology, University of Oulu


Use the following link to register: The Vanguard Initiative: Boosting the digital transition by connecting regional innovation ecosystems ONLINE - 12WS22401 (


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