Catalonia Region


1.1 - Skills

Does the local authority have internally any position such as service designers OR user researchers OR user experience experts?
Evidence: The Directorate-General for Digital Administration (Ministry of the Presidency) has an Area of Promotion of the Improvement of Digital Services, with five people working on service design ( Starting from the UK Government's definition and skills of service designers ( there is a Head of service design (code 0096842), a Lead service designer (code PT_MRR_05), a Senior service designer (code PT_MRR_01), a Service designer (PT_MRR_02), and a Junior service designer (code SOC-1aOcupació). Also, in the same Area, a team of three people is working on plain language applied to administrative processing. There is a Head of plain language, who coordinates the project (code PT_MRR_03); a Senior officer, which is revising models of administrative documents sent by the Ministries to make them more understandable (we are currently revising documents from the Tax Agency, Climate Action, Presidency, etc.). It also participates in the communications improvement group of the Information System for the electronic management of subsidy management files, and collaborates with the rest of the projects being worked on in the Directorate General when texts need to be revised (code PT_MRR_04); and a Senior Office in charge of the conversion to plain language electronic management of grant management files (code 0433665). On another hand, the Directorate-General for Digital Services and Citizen Experience has an Analytic and Improved Citizen Experience Area (, which function is to establish protocols for a good citizen experience, evaluate and propose improvements to services before they are put into operation, collect and analyse data to offer personalised and proactive services, coordinate actions to improve the citizen experience in public and digital services, and support departments in the identification and provision of personalised services in coordination with the digital administration department. It also prepares proposals for evaluating information systems, promoting a relationship based on citizens' life situations, implements quality management and continuous improvement systems, manages the Directorate General's indicators and performs other similar functions assigned to it. There is a Head of the Area, and also a a Senior Officer working on Citizen Experience. Finally, the Center for Telecommunications and Information Technology (CTTI), the public company that manages and delivers telecommunications, has two Senior service designers. Their functions are to advise and participate in digital transformation projects of the Government Ministries; plan, prioritise and design services autonomously in interdisciplinary projects; drive service analysis and improvement; analyse user needs through research; create service roadmaps and plans; identify opportunities and generate proofs of concept for improved services; consolidate service value propositions; develop data-driven initiatives; communicate and present results and designs; support service implementation; inform and report on project progress; and promote coordination and communication between internal and external professionals to detect synergies.
Has the local authority provided training on service design or user research to its employees in the last three years?
Evidence: 98 people have been trained in at least one of these courses: Basic course of the Digital Services Guide (3 editions in 3 consecutive years), and advanced course (2 editions). UIX/UI course 2 editions, Visual Thinking course 3 editions, Prototyping course 1 edition. MIRO course 1 edition. Source: Escola d'Administració Pública de Catalunya
Has the local authority provided training on ICT to its employees in the last three years?
Evidence: On ICT training: 2020: 753 activities, 19501 people trained, 7923,5 hours 2021: 774 activities, 15679 people trained, 9209 hours 2022: 670 activities, 11657 people trained, 7954,5 hours Source: Escola d'Administració Pública de Catalunya:,, Performance report 2022 (to be published soon). Also, there is an ongoing Digital training plan for the Government employees:
Has the local authority provided training on ICT to citizens in the last three years?
Evidence: The training is provided via the "Xarxa Punt TIC" (ICT Network Point). The programming is done by each ICT Point and the Government of Catalonia offers advice, dynamisation and training for the trainers themselves so that they can provide it. In this link you will find the geographical distribution of the Network: In this link you will find some examples of the training provided: Also, as an example, online training on Artificial Intelligence for everybody: There is no data available yet about the number of people trained.

1.2 - Strategies

Does the local authority have a digital strategy less than three years old?
Does the local authority have a position of Chief Digital Officer or equivalent?
Evidence: Mrs. Núria Espuny Salvadó, Director-General for Digital Administration, Ministry of the Presidency
Does the local authority have formal service standard (like for instance the UK Government Digital Service standards)?
Evidence: The Decree 76/2020 provided the principles to be met by digital services. The Digital Services Guide developed them:
Does the local authority have design guidelines valid across departments, including for instance standards or protocols for simple language?
Evidence: The Digital Services Guide of the Government of Catalonia: A plain language initiative has been launched:
Does the local authority have in place formal methods to monitor and enforce such service standards and design guidelines?
Are service design or user experience mentioned in digital strategy or some other strategy level document?
Evidence: Yes, in the Decree 76/2020 ( The Title II, Chapter II is on digital services. In particular, Article 27 (on General principles in the creation of digital services) says "The subjects (...) of this Decree promote the creation of new digital services in accordance with the principles set out in Article 4 of this Decree and in accordance with the evolution and continuous improvement in the provision of public services, harnessing the full potential of innovation and technology, creating public value and putting users' experience at the heart of service design." Also, Article 28 (on "Design of digital services") regulates how services they should be designed and the criteria and elements to be taken into account. On another hand, in Articles 4.c) (on General principles of eGovernment) which recognises that administrative action is based, inter alia, on "Proactivity and personalisation in the delivery of digital public services with the aim of placing users' experience at the centre of service design".

1.3 - Ecosystem

Does the local authority provide APIs to other administrations and to private companies?
Evidence: The Center for Telecommunications and Information Technology (CTTI) runs a Corporate API Manager: Also, the Open Data platform is APIfied:
Does the local authority use standardised services modules, provided at national or European level (e.g. CEF building blocks, national payment service or eID)?
Evidence: The Open Administration Consortium of Catalonia (AOC Consortium) provides standardised services modules to the different Catalan administrations, both local and regional: Also, we use the VALid solution from the Spanish government:; and also the Administrative Information System:
Has the local authority carried out within the last two years innovative forms of procurement, such as pre-commercial procurement, hackathons, other forms of collaboration with SMEs and startups?
Evidence: The Catalan Ministry of Economy and Finance has a project called "Public procurement of innovation", which is an administrative initiative to promote innovation, aimed at encouraging the development of innovative solutions from demand, via public procurement. Link: There is a call for open tenders for the public procurement of innovation, within the Catalonia Open Challenges, a platform that allows to put administrations and innovative companies in contact with each other, as well as to publicise opportunities for collaboration. Link:*1h49j4a*_ga*ODAwNDgzMzMyLjE2NjQ3ODM5MDY.*_ga_6HSVZS0K1X*MTY3Njk3ODM0My4yLjEuMTY3Njk3ODkxNy4wLjAuMA Also, there is a mailbox for innovative proposals, a channel focused on offering solutions so that companies can share the most innovative solutions to noted problems with the administration. Link: In another hand, as the "New solution" part of the main webpage explains, we also consider Pre-commercial Procurement (CPP) and Public Procurement of Innovative Technology (CPI). Finally, some hackathons have been held, such as the following one:

User-Centricity Performance

2.1 - Co-creation

Does the local authority habitually (as standard practice on every new digital service) use service co-design / user research sessions in developing its services before their launch?
Evidence: The Digital Services Guide standardises the principles of design thinking to the development of services, as well as establishes co-design and validation sessions with both users and public employees. These are some examples of this sessions: 1) Hunting and fishing: the Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda wanted to improve the service offered to citizens and facilitate the digitalisation of the processing of hunting and fishing permits. The pilot project was carried out in five working sessions, each lasting four hours. The prototypes were validated by the fisheries users and the deputy directors of the two directorates-general. 2) Videoconferencing service: the Tax Agency of Catalonia (ATC) wanted to offer to taxpayers the possibility of carrying out some procedures by videoconference, procedures that until now were offered in person or, in some cases, by telephone. The ATC pilot project was developed in five working sessions, each lasting four hours. In a session, different users and technicians review the whole path that has been designed to check that the path followed has been the correct one. More information: 3) Libraries, Implementation of digital library cards: the Directorate General for Cultural Promotion and Libraries of the Ministry of Culture wants to design the digital processing process to obtain the library card for the whole of Catalonia. The digitalisation of this service aims to speed up, facilitate and automate a process that needs to update the services offered to citizens. The Libraries pilot project was developed in five working sessions of four hours each. Among others, in one session all the prototypes made during the previous sessions were reviewed and validated by citizen users, library service workers and the Director General of Cultural Promotion and Libraries. 4) Web platform for children, teenagers and young adults: the Directorate General for Child and Adolescent Care (DGAIA) and the Catalan Youth Agency wanted to offer a new digital service aimed at children, adolescents and young people, but also at professionals in the sector. The tool has to consist of a user-friendly web platform and has to facilitate the task of the professional team that will provide the service behind the platform. It also has to have a design, branding, and communication strategy to ensure dissemination among the target audience. The high-level design project has been developed in two context analysis sessions to find out the requirements and expectations of the service, four co-creation sessions with the team and interviews with people from the target groups. User journey experiences were conducted. 5) Pre-litigation administrative complaint (IT): the Subdirectorate General for Medical Assessments (ICAM) of the Ministry of Health requested the redesign of the service for administrative claims prior to legal proceedings in matters of temporary incapacity. The aim was to bring it closer to the citizen and to facilitate management. The ICAM pilot project was carried out in five working sessions, each lasting four hours. Based on a structured script of questions, the meeting is managed to obtain as much information as possible. Interviews are also conducted with citizens, medical professionals from primary care centres and ICAM, and ICAM administrative staff who are familiar with the current system. The user's travel experience is also realised. More information: 6) Digital informed consent in the field of health care: The pilot project between the Subdirectorate General for Innovation and Digital Administration (SIAD) and the Catalan Health Institute (ICS) focused on the design of the digital Informed Consent. The objective was that the citizen, once informed of the procedure by a doctor, could reflect and sign the consent without having to travel to the medical centre. The ICS pilot project was developed in five working sessions, each lasting four hours. Interviews were conducted with patients, medical professionals and researchers with a good knowledge of the current system, its strengths and weaknesses. Validation was also carried out with citizens with different profiles and doctors who need informed consent. 7) Attendance control occupancy service courses: The SOC (Catalan Employment Service) wants to improve the attendance control system for training courses. The SOC courses used to validate the presence of students by means of a paper signature. This is a problem in terms of the reliability and speed of the process. The pilot project consisted of five working sessions, each lasting four hours. Interviews were conducted with users: students, trainers and administrative staff of the training centres. Also, in a session, different users (students and teachers) and technicians (from the promoter unit and the legal service) have reviewed the solutions provided to verify that the path followed has been the correct one. Source:
Does the local authority habitually carry out users' research sessions on a regular basis (at least once a year) AFTER the launch of a service?
Does the local authority habitually use specific service co-design / user research sessions with disadvantaged communities (e.g. minorities, elderly, disabled people, etc.)?
Does the local authority habitually use web analytics and other service data to improve digital services (e.g. completion rates and most frequent errors)?
Evidence: Analytics services are operating to monitor web navigation and to detect and correct technical errors in the forms, using Google Analytics:, The strategic objectives of analytics are to improve service to citizens, increasing the quality of service, increasing the degree of satisfaction with the service, attracting more users to the website, improving loyalty. The operational objectives are to evaluate the effectiveness of each action carried out on the website and to balance costs with benefits, to know the demand: identify new services, prioritise those that are most successful, highlight those that are difficult to find..., to know the profile of the audience and to improve positioning. Finally, in relation to decision-making, we want to have a methodology that allows us to implement improvements. More information:
Does the local authority habitually plan for releasing regular (at least once a year) new releases for existing digital services (not including technical updates automatically provided by software provider)?

2.2 - Supply of online services

Does the local authority provide the majority of services fully online (out of total services provided that could potentially be digitalised)?
Evidence: 83% external procedures are available online.​​​​​​​​​​​Source: Observatori de l'Administ​​​ració Digital (OAD), December 2022
Does the local authority have a dedicated app that is downloaded by more than 20% of the population?
Evidence: Yes, the App "La meva salut" (My Health) has been downloaded by nearly 60% of the population of the population:|en) Unique users with logged-in sessions: Android: 3.498.380 Apple: 1.120.118 Total: 4.618.498 Source: internal report (“INFORME D’INDICADORS. 4rt TRIMESTRE 2022. La Meva Salut. Servei Català de la Salut”, p.2)
Does the local authority offer at least one proactive service, where users are automatically signed up for a service based on the government-held data?
Evidence: A capability of proactive alerts and pre-filled forms has been developed, and it has been applied to the use case of proactive university grants.
Has the local authority already fulfilled the requirements of the Single Digital Gateway (deadline end of 2022)?
Evidence: 1. Language requirements: we publish information on the proceedings in both English and Spanish (Article 12) 2. Quality of information on procedures (Article 10) 3. Quality requirements for the accessibility of websites (Article 8) 4. Collection of statistics relating to user visits (Article 24) 5. Include a rating tool that allows users to anonymously indicate their level of satisfaction (Article 25) 6. Quality label (Art. 22), represented by the logo provided by the Commission with the link to the Your Europe portal. The following links are examples to show the fulfilment of the requirements:
Does the local authority provide habitually to citizens the possibility to check online the progress status of the services they request?
Evidence: Through the Private Area (, citizens can view pending documentation or payments and appointments scheduled in the near future, as well as find grouped and ordered all the steps that have been taken for each procedure or management with the Generalitat. They can also provide documentation when necessary, not only when the Administration requests it. Moreover, citizens can also view the status of their procedure or transaction without having to identify themselves digitally, via the "Status of my transactions" page. They can access the page using the procedure code provided at the start of it and their ID card. More information: To see it:ía/SubHome/Modul-slider/Area-Privada.pdf

2.3 - Useability

Does the local authority habitually carry out useability assessment of its online services, using standard tools such as System Useability Scale (SUS)?
Do all the websites or websites sections of the local authority have consistent design and look&feel?
Evidence: The standard is defined here:|en) And it is enforced by using a common publishing tool: Also, corporate intranet use a common publishing tool:
Does the local authority provide the possibility to citizens to have live audio/video interaction (such as videoconference or single telephone number)?
Evidence: A single telephone exists (, and videoconference attention has been implemented (,
Are the local authority web services in line with accessibility guidelines (WCAG)?
Evidence: Although there is still a lot of work to be done in terms of accessibility, the Generalitat is in line to the WCAG. Moreover, the current regulations in Catalonia require going beyond these standards, and work is being done to comply in a comprehensive way. The Accessibility Review Report is available on the following link: Also, there is a procedure established for any person to submit complaints concerning compliance with the requirements of accessibility and request information concerning content that is excluded from the scope of this regulation.

2.4 - Security and privacy

Are the users able to use national eID, as a means of authentication for online services requiring authentication?
Evidence: Yes, users are able to us "eDNI", the Spanish eID, or Cl@ve, as the following link explains: More information is available at:
Has the local authority put in place measures to ensure citizens' control over the data held about them (such as seeing who has access to the data and for what reason, correcting data, etc.)?
Evidence: The MyGov service provides citizens insight on which administrative units have looked at their data.
Has the local authority in place documents on measures, practices or procedures on ICT security?
Evidence: The Cybersecurity Agency of Catalonia is in charge of implementing public cybersecurity policy and developing the Government of Catalonia's cybersecurity strategy. In short, it is the go-to agency for cybersecurity in Catalonia. More information: There is a Cybersecurity Strategy of the Government of Catalonia 2019-2022 ( More information, in English, is available in the following link: Also, there is a document, released on March 2020, called "Cybersecurity rules for the provision of services in the telework modality" ( On another hand, the Government of Catalonia approved on 21 September 2021 the "Cybersecurity policy of the Government of Catalonia" (, via the AGREEMENT GOV/145/2021, of 21 September ( This document establishes the principles, the applicable regulations and the organisational model that the Generalitat itself will have to have in order to adequately manage this matter.

2.5 - Citizens redress and feedback mechanisms

Does the local authority provide online mechanisms for both citizens and businesses to complain and seek change to a decision?
Evidence: Complaints can be fulfilled here:;jsessionid=A02B0C80869227319C80C1692743DA3D?set-locale=en_GB&reqCode=newCqs Also, allegations can be fulfilled in the following link, when no specific mechanism exists:
Has the local authority put in place structured means for users to provide feedback?
Evidence: An important way to provide feedback are the Citizen Experience Spaces, which evaluate the services offered by the Government of Catalonia (from a specific procedure to a mobile app). Based on dynamics with different face-to-face or virtual formats, and throughout the territory, people with different profiles and ages test these services to ensure that they are accessible, usable, and understandable for everyone. In these spaces, it is verified that the language used is understandable; the steps to be followed are understood and do not lead to errors in interpretation; access to the service is adequate in the service channel (face-to-face, telephone or digital); the user has a good experience; expectations are met, or the service is considered useful. Once the services have been tested with citizens, the necessary adjustments are made to improve them.More information: On another hand, feedback is provided through some digital services, as the chatbot gencatBOT. The unified phone service (012) and the Citizen Service Offices also collect feedback from users. For example, when making a video call for citizen services, you can rate the quality of the service via the following page: Finally, feedback can also be provided through the CQS contact mailbox, in the "Suggestions or complaints" section. Departments and support agents have access to the front end to attend and respond.

2.6 - Interoperability

Does the local authority apply the once-only principle in its services, so that citizens are not required to submit documents already held by the administration?
Evidence: We are obliged by regulation, and we apply it in all administrative procedures managed by the Government of Catalonia and its public sector (article 28. 2 of Law 39/2015, articles 70-71 Decree 76/2020). To make this right of citizens effective, civil servants have the following technological platforms at their disposal that allow interoperability and the right of interested parties is recognised: the Government of Catalonia's Platform for Integration and Administrative Collaboration (PICA), the Inter-administrative Coordination Platform (PCI) of the AOC Consortium and the Data Intermediation Platform (PID) of the General State Administration are also interconnected to guarantee the exchange of data and documents between the Catalan administrations and the General State Administration and thus allow access to the consultation of this data. The forms for initiating an administrative procedure provide that citizens may exercise their right not to provide documents that are already in the possession of the administration in question or that have been drawn up by any other administration. Evidence:
Does the local authority encourage the use of standards in IT development and procurement?
Evidence: Decree 76/2020 establishes, in article 9.2, that "the Ministry of the Presidency, responsible for digital administration, determines the minimum content of the plan and the common indicators that the annual planning must include in relation to the actions carried out in the area of people, processes, data and technology, as well as the identification of cross-cutting needs". The corporate solutions catalogue aims to disseminate the common services, infrastructures and other services that are made available to the Government of Catalonia's departments and suppliers, to guarantee effectiveness and efficiency in the provision of services to citizens, companies and other entities, as well as to the organisation's own employees. There is a space of reusable solutions in deliverable code without licensing that can be consulted at this link Also, the CTTI establishes a compilation of the procedures and standards to be applied to ensure the correct management and delivery of ICT services and solutions:
Has the local authority policies in place to encourage the use of open source solutions?


3.1 - Adoption

Considering only services that are available online, are the majority of transactions carried out online?
Evidence: According to the Open Administration Consortium of Catalonia (AOC Consortium), 77% of procedures in Catalonia are done digitally. Source:
Does the local authority publish data on usage of online services (such as a dashboard with metrics on transactions) on a regular basis?
Evidence: Through the Open Data portal of Catalonia, the online processing indicators are published through the corporate processing platform of the Government of Catalonia, with an indication of the number of transactions by procedure and the channels used. It is updated and published monthly.

3.2 - Reduction of burden

Does the authority measure the average time saved by citizens when using an online service compared to the offline one?
Evidence: The reduction in administrative burdens for citizens, as a consequence of the use of several e-government tools, is estimated at 4 hours per person per year in 2022, according to AOC Consortium: In addition, thanks to interoperability measures, each citizen has saved on average 11 documents per year.
Does the authority measure the amount of annual financial savings for the public administration?
Evidence: The amount of annual financial savings for the public administration is estimated at more than EUR 525 million, according to AOC Consortium: More information on how to calculate the savings is available on the following website:

3.3 - Satisfaction

Does the local authority measure the citizens’ level of satisfaction with regards to the services’ provision?
Evidence: Firstly, the Open Administration Consortium of Catalonia (AOC Consortium) uses Net Promoter Score to measure satisfaction in the use of digital public services: On one hand, satisfaction is also measured in Citizen Service Offices and some online services (Private area, chatbot and Single Digital Gateway), but measurement standards differ and data is not published yet. Also, satisfaction about the 012 phone service is measured and aggregated data is published:
Is the share of satisfied users above 80%?
Evidence: According to the Open Administration Consortium of Catalonia (AOC Consortium), 79% of users rate digital public services positively or very positively ( On another hand, by the year 2022, the rating of the 012 telephone helpline, telephone support in the processing process and rating of the video service exceed 80% (internal document that can be provided if necessary).

Background Information

Total population
Total number of employees in the city/region administration
Total annual budget (last year or average of the last three years)
Number of ICT specialists employed directly (full-time equivalent)
Number of ICT specialists employed indirectly (subcontracting/outsourcing)

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