Launch of Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC)

City building
Published: 30 Apr 2020

We are excited to announce the launch of the Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) that is now open for applications and we are asking for your support to get the word out! 

Building on the success of the Digital Cities Challenge (DCC), the ICC is the latest of the initiatives of the European Commission to promote technological transformation, build a green Europe and foster intelligent and sustainable growth across European cities. This 2.5 year programme will help 100 cities across the EU with the uptake of advanced technologies by providing world-class support in person, online, and as a community. 


The ICC seeks to help 100 small and medium-sized EU cities to support green, climate-neutral, sustainable growth; tackle the biggest urban challenges; and improve the quality of life. Building on the success of the Digital Cities Challenge, which helped 41 EU cities to create a strategic vision and roadmaps for digital transformation, the ICC focuses on implementation of strategies, a common platform for open data, a marketplace for intelligent city solutions, joint investments, new support mechanisms and a new international dimension.

This programme seeks to unite EU cities in seizing the opportunity for green intelligent sustainable growth, improving the quality of life and fostering new opportunities for citizens. To this end, 100 cities will be selected for the ICC to receive support through various measures including advisory services for cities and local stakeholders, field visits by experts, access to online tools and a marketplace for intelligent city solutions.

For more information about the challenge, the ICC concept note, and view key dates, please visit the ICC website.


To ensure the success of the ICC, we are relying on your support and networks, specifically those contacts who may be interested in applying (city and local officials, local business organisations, etc.), to disseminate this information. Please use the resources that we have provided below to help us extend our outreach.

Please note that the deadline for applications is on 29 May 2020, 11:59 pm (CET).


Please refer below to access first, the ICC media pack that includes the communications guideline and ICC visuals and second, an e-mail template that you can forward to your contacts to promote the ICC. Do not hesitate to tailor this template to local languages or personalize it in order to reach out to your contacts as best as possible. In the ICC media pack, you will also find social media strategies that you can integrate to expand your outreach to its fullest.

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