Call for Pilot Cities - NetZeroCities

NetZeroCities Call for Pilot Cities
23 Sep 2022

NetZeroCities is launching a groundbreaking programme that tests new approaches to reaching climate neutrality goals across cities in Europe. This Pilot Cities Programme is part of the EU Mission for 100 climate-neutral and smart cities (“EU Cities Mission”), providing €32 million in grants and hands-on support to cities. The call opened on September 5 and invites applications from all cities that are committing to the objectives of the EU Cities Mission and are located in EU Member States and Associated Countries.

The aim of the Pilot Cities programme is to test and implement innovative approaches to rapid decarbornisation over a two-year programme. The selection of pilots will cover all thematic areas contributing to climate neutrality to ensure systemic transformation, including mobility, energy systems and the built environment, material and resource flows, natural areas, cultural/social/financial/institutional systems, and accessible public space

Call Guidelines and a Pilot Cities Programme Guidebook Guidebook are now available to help cities prepare their application.

Call closes on 4 November 2022 and selected pilot cities will be announced in February 2023.


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