Urban Logistics Innovation Day spotlights the power of Digital Twins in sustainable urban freight

26 Sep 2023

The Urban Logistics Innovation Day, scheduled for September 26, 2023, in Brussels, is set to address the challenges of decarbonizing urban freight transport and promoting sustainable urban logistics. With the increasing demand for e-commerce and business activities in cities, finding innovative solutions is crucial to meet efficiency targets and customers' expectations.

One of the key highlights of the event is the focus on digital twins, a cutting-edge technology that allows cities to simulate "what if" scenarios and optimize urban logistics. The LEAD project will showcase the benefits of using digital twins in urban logistics and how cities can leverage this technology for sustainable outcomes.

The agenda includes plenary sessions, breakout sessions, and live demonstrations of digital solutions. Keynote speeches by representatives from DG MOVE, ALICE-ETP, and mayors or POLIS Chair will set the stage for discussions on the European innovation landscape.

Breakout sessions will cover topics such as digital twins and their potential impact on urban logistics, consumer engagement, sustainability of urban freight, zero-emission vehicles, and supporting infrastructure. These sessions aim to foster dialogue between solution developers, users, and stakeholders from the public and private sectors.

This event promises to be an essential platform for innovation practitioners in the urban logistics sector, offering valuable insights and inspiring collaborations to achieve sustainable urban freight transport.

Here is the information on the LEAD website.

You can register here.

You can find the draft programme here

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