Realising the potential of digital health transformation in Europe

Workshop eHealth EWRC
12 Oct 2022

By taking stock of the current state of play, focusing on key initiatives, exploring current experiences and challenges, the CoR, the Commission and EUREGHA are joining forces to discuss how the digital health transformation can nurture quality and efficiency of health and care provision, empower citizens and boost resilience and sustainability and what is truly needed to achieve it across Europe, putting a particular focus on the role of regional and local health authorities in driving this change forward.


Fidela Cascini, Digital Health Expert, Directorate-General for Digitalisation, Italy's Ministry of Health

Birgitta Sacrédeus, Chair Interregional Group on Health and Well-being, European Committee of the Regions 

Mike Morrissey, Chief Executive, European Cancer Organisation 

Marco Marsella, Head of Unit, eHealth, Well-Being and Ageing, DG CONNECT, European Commission 


Giovanni Gorgoni, Chair European Regional and Local Health Authorities (EUREGHA)

Video testimonials: 

Dietlinde Debrabandere, Policy Officer International Issues, Government of Flanders, Agency for Care and Health

Gernot Marx, Head of Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Coordinator of EU project THALEA, University Hospital RWTH Aachen

Andrea Pavlickova, International Engagement Manager Technology, Enabled Care and Digital Healthcare Innovation, Digital Health and Care Scotland


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