Pre-PAI Focus Group - Intellera Consulting

08 Jun 2023

This focus group is organised in the realm of the project called Preparatory actions of the AI-on-Demand Platform (Pre-PAI). It is an EU-founded project aimed at providing the blueprint for the further development, deployment, and operation of the European AI-on-demand platform ( This sovereign platform aims to be the one-stop shop for a wide range of AI resources: contacts, content, data, training, services, funding programmes, jobs, events, technical tools etc. The European Commission will use it as its reference platform for all AI projects related actions at the EU level, with the aim of involving researchers, industry and public administrations. We are consulting public administrations at the national, regional and local levels. We leverage on different consultation means: an online survey, targeted interviews, and focus groups.

This focus group is set to dig deeper into main needs of public administrations with regard to the adoption and use of AI. In particular, the discussion will be based on all the functionalities which, if developed on the AI-on-demand platform, would provide value to public officers dealing with, or interested in, the use of AI for public services. The agenda and discussion guide below is meant to orient the discussion even in case participants do not have any preliminary knowledge of the platform. The meeting is expected to be conducted online and to last around 90 minutes.


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