Monitoring and measuring Subgroup meeting #3 - Final version of LORDIMAS

27 Oct 2023


The Monitoring and Measuring subgroup of Living-in.EU is organising it third meeting in 2023 on 27 October 2023, from 10:30 to 12:00 (CET). This event will be held online only.

This meeting will be an opportunity to give Living-in.EU signatories and our subgroup members a complete overview of the activities implemented for the creation of the LORDIMAS tool.

LORDIMAS is an interactive tool helping local and regional governments to understand where they are in their digital transformation journey. It was officially launched during the 2023 edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities.

Introduced by Jordi Ortuño Ribé, representative of Barcelona City Council and chair of the Monitoring & Measuring subgroup, this session will aim to:

  • Present the finalised version of the tool, providing clear information on how to use it
  • Discuss the strategy for populating the tool with data from cities and regions and explore how the subgroup could contribute
  • Discuss the next steps for the LORDIMAS tool and explore the interest of the subgroup members in collaborating on its development

This meeting is open to everyone interested in LORDIMAS.
You can register to the event through this link.

Should you have any questions, feel free to contact

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