Living-in.EU Tech Subgroup Meeting, 20 December 2022

LIEU Tech SG meeting 20/12/22
20 Dec 2022


LIEU Supporters Meeting
20 December 2022

Meeting with Living-in.EU Tech Subgroup

The Living-in.EU Tech Subgroup meets every two months to review and evolve the MIMs Plus set of minimal interoperability mechanisms.

The meeting on 20 December presents the current state of each MIM, looks at gaps and decides on the action points for the next version. Both supply- (companies) and demand- (cities, regions, towns and associations) side organisations who signed the Living-in.EU Declaration or Support Letter are invited. The objective is to develop the action plan and roadmap for MIMs Plus with input from the participants.

Specifically, the needs related to local digital twins and service delivery based on data spaces for smart communities will be in focus.


14.30 - 14.45

Welcome and tour de table & Recap of supporters meeting

Cristina Martinez, EC DG CNECT, Martin Brynskov, Chair of Tech Sub-group, OASC

14.45 - 15.05

Overview of MIMs Plus SOTA

Rick Schager, OASC

Michael Mulquin, OASC

15.05 - 15.35

Break-Out Rooms 

For the participants to propose 

  • specific use cases, 
  • MIM development
  • Express uncertainties

Break-out room 1

Discuss Mim 1,2 3, 5, 9  lead by Rick Schager, OASC & Thimo Thoeye, OASC

Break-out room 2

Discuss Mim 4,6,7 lead by Michael Mulquin, OASC

15.35 - 15.50


Rick Schager, OASC & Michael Mulquin, OASC

15.50 - 16.00

Conclusions/Communicate next steps

Martin Brynskov, OASC

  • FAQs
  • Communication package

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