Legal implications of the Artificial Intelligence Act for cities, regions, and communities

Legal WG
Online event |
19 Jun 2024
Organiser:Go Li.EU


The Artificial Intelligence Act is the first-ever comprehensive legal framework on AI worldwide. The aim of the new rules is to foster trustworthy AI in Europe and beyond, by ensuring that AI systems respect fundamental rights, safety, and ethical principles, and by addressing the risks of very powerful and impactful AI models. Adopting a risk-based model, the AI Act categorises AI systems as posing either unacceptable, high, or minimal risk. Moreover, the legislation defines a set of obligations for the various actors involved in the launch and use of an AI system: providers, deployers, distributors, and importers.

Local governments rely more and more on AI, deploying automated decision-making systems to e.g. allocate social benefits, regulate traffic, process complaints, and detect risks. Public spaces are testbeds for the deployment of high-risk AI systems that involve the broad population, and the AI Act sets boundaries to the massive scale-up of such systems. Artificial intelligence provides benefits for local authorities in terms of efficiency and capacity – but, at the same time, decisions by public authorities have substantial implications for individuals, and the automation of those processes risks hampering trust in the institutions. Hence, cities, regions, and communities must not only fulfil the AI Act obligations, but also proactively reflect on the potential impact of automated systems, and strive for transparency and fairness in their use.

In this webinar, we will explore the legal implications of the AI Act for local authorities, analyse which AI systems are banned, how other commonly used systems are categorised, and how to set up a successful AI governance structure.

Objectives of the Session

The Living-in.EU legal working group aims at assessing contractual and legislative measures related to the provision a common EU framework for cross-sector and cross-border digital solutions for cities, regions, and communities. In line with this objective, this session will focus on understanding the implications of the AI Act for local governments, and the required steps to comply with the legislation. Speakers will outline which risks are associated with the deployment of AI systems at the local level, and how to mitigate them. The session will provide key insights on the obligations imposed by the AI Act on deployers of AI systems in terms of transparency, fundamental rights impact assessments, documentation, and oversight.


  • 11:00-11:05 – Introduction
  • 11:05-11:20 – Goals of the AI Act for cities, regions, and communities – European Commission
  • 11:20-11:35 – The role of local governments as providers and deployers within the AI Act taxonomy – CDT Europe
  • 11:35-11:50 – Roadmap to compliance – Local government
  • 11:50-12:00 – Q&A and conclusions


  • Martin Ulbrich – European Commission DG CNECT Artificial Intelligence
  • Laura Lazaro Cabrera – Counsel and Programme Director for Data and Equity, CDT Europe
  • Hans Arents - Senior Advisor digital government, Flemish Government



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