Introducing Living-in.EU to regional authorities

15 May 2023


Eurocities and ERRIN ICT Working group are co-organising an on-site meeting to introduce the Living-in.EU movement and its services to representatives of regional offices in Brussels.

This meeting will be held on Monday 15 May, 16:00-18:00 at ERRIN premises, 3 rue du Luxembourg (8th Floor). Presentations will be followed by a networking drink.

Founded in 2019, Living-In.EU aims at promoting sustainable digital transformation in cities and communities in the EU. To support this movement, the Go Li.EU project (coordinated by Eurocities, together with EnoLL, OASC, CEMR and ERRIN) has been selected by the European Commission. It creates a formal governance body that aligns with the principles of multilevel governance, connecting different communities that contribute to the shared mission, vision and strategy.

Living-in.EU has been successful in creating an impact through signatories and supporters. This meeting will be organised to showcase what impact the movement can have and answer potential questions about the movement, the project and the services provided to local and regional authorities.

Please register for the meeting by Wednesday 10 May through this link.

We have a limited capacity of 50 participants, so we will accept one representative per office. A confirmation of your participation will be sent prior to the event.

If you have any questions, you can contact


  • Introduction Gabriela Ruseva, Go Li.EU Project Coordinator, Eurocities and ICT WG leader 
  • Testimony for a Living-in.EU regional signatory TBC
  • What’s on offer? Living-in.EU Capacity building activities Giacomo Lozzi, Senior Project Manager, ENoLL
  • What’s on offer? Minimum Interoperability Mechanisms (MIMs), Sophie Meszaros, Project Manager
  • What’s on offer? LORDIMAS, your digital maturity check, Rodolphe Doité, ERRIN
  • Discussion and Q&A
  • End of the meeting and networking drink

Please notice, this is a closed event for regional representation offices in Brussels only.

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