Digitalising Europe’s railways

Digitalising EU's railways
17 Nov 2022

Digitalising Europe’s railways: what’s in for passengers and freight?

​The railway is a sustainable and futureproof mode of transport for both passengers and freight. To make the railways in Europe futureproof and to fulfil the ambitious goals of the European Green Deal a push of digitalisation is needed. On the Brenner axis we are committed to make rail better using new technology and digitalisation to increase the performance on the existing tracks and in the future to use the new Brenner Base Tunnel in the most efficient way possible. 

This event will highlight concrete solutions and projects on the Digitalisation of Europe’s railways with a particular focus on cross-border problems modal shift from road to rail and the inter-modality. It is organised by the South Tyrolean Presidency of the Brenner Railway Action Group, consisting of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen and the Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Bolzano/Bozen. 


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