Now open: Living-in.EU Subgroup Chairs elections

Published: 04 May 2023

Living-in.EU subgroups’ chairs elections 

Every year, Living-in.EU disseminates an open call among its signatories to appoint signatory chairs for each of the five Living-in.EU Subgroups.  

Each signatory chair is appointed for one year and its mandate can be renewed. Since the Living-in.EU project kicked off in 2023, this year the subgroup chair’s mandate will begin in June and will last until December 2023. For this reason, the subgroup work plans have already been exceptionally designed in a joint exercise with the subgroup members at the beginning of the year. 

What is a Living-in.EU subgroup? is supported by five sub-groups: financial, technical, legal, education and capacity building and monitoring and measuring. 

The sub-groups are for signatories’ representatives (cities, regions, and member states) and are aimed to create the conditions to upscale digital solutions such as local digital twins and urban data platforms. They are a safe space for government officials at all levels to discuss the main challenges and needs in terms of digital transformation, exchange experience and work together on solving common challenges in deploying existing and proven digital solutions. 

How does a subgroup work?  

The subgroups meet once every three months and whenever considered necessary by the subgroup chairs and the leading network organisations.  

Each of the subgroups is coordinated by a subgroup chair, elected among the Living-in.EU signatories and by an organisation leading the subgroup. Currently, the legal and financial subgroup is led by Eurocities, the technical subgroup is led by OASC, the capacity-building is led by ENOLL, the monitoring and measuring subgroup is led by ERRIN.  

In 2023, the subgroup chairs mandate will exceptionally start in June 2023.  For this reason, the subgroup work plans have already been designed in a joint exercise with the subgroup members. The 2023 subgroups work plans are available here.  

Role of the subgroup chairs 

Supported by the leading networks, becoming subgroup chairs offers the opportunity to: 

  • Co-define together with the leading organisations, the annual work plan and subgroup priorities; 

  • Influencing and providing insights into the European Digital Decade’s policy programme;  

  • Gain valuable insights into EU legislative developments; 

  • Be involved in a multilevel governance cooperation and interactions with EU institutions representatives.  

How to apply? 

If you would like to apply for the subgroup chairs elections, please fill out this form here

For any further information, you can contact: or (Legal and Financial subgroup), (Capacity-Building subgroup), (Technical subgroup), (Monitoring & Measuring Subgroup).  

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