Living-in.EU Open Supporters Meeting- Wrap Up

Open Supporters Meeting
Published: 08 Jun 2023

On the 6th of June the Living-in.EU Movement hosted an open supporters meeting.The movement invited industry players of the smart city sector to have a joined discussion about the current trends of the domain. Martin Brynskov, founding member of Open and Agile Smart Cities (OASC) and the Living-in.EU Technical Subgroup Co-Chair opened the meeting and welcomed Cristina Martinez from DG CNECT on the online stage.

Mrs Martinez provided an overview of the European Commissions’ objectives and commitment to support the digital transformation of European cities and communities. Her welcome was followed by an overview of European local digital twins and the call on the CitiVerse by Miguel Alvarez Rodriguez (DG CNECT) and of ongoing European projects namely, the Go Li.EU, the Data Space for Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities, CommuniCity, and the CitCom.AI TEF presented by the respective coordinators.

Three industries' members were also invited to showcase examples of their involvement in the digital transformation of cities and communities (the FIWARE Foundation, European Digital SME Alliance, and Future Insight).

The conversation had the minimal interoperability mechanisms (MIMs Plus) at its core as an ambition to foster a European digital market.


Access the presentations: 

The Presentations from the companies are available here

The Presentations from the projects are available here,

The Presentation about the Local Digital Twins & Citiverse here

The recording of the meeting is available here

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