Living-in.EU at the European Week of Regions and Cities 2023

Published: 08 Aug 2023

The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual four-day event organised by the European Commission and the Committee of the Regions during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance.

After having been selected as an event partner, Living-in.EU will participate at the EU Regions weeks with an exhibition stand where attendees will be able to join and learn about the movement, as well as with a political lab session on Local Digital Twins and cross-border cooperation. After its launch, LORDIMAS tool will be presented during the event.

Moreover, if you are willing to learn more about LDTs, MIMs, or how to address the needs of EU cities & communities through technology, then you should attend the two workshops organised by OASC and Urbanage, and Communicity respectively.

Read all the details and find the links for registration below. Looking forward to seeing you in Brussels!

Exhibition stand: Living-in.EU

When? 10­–12 October, 9:00h ­– 18:00h

Where? SQUARE Brussels Meeting Centre, Agora Village

Registration here

If you are a decision-maker at local, regional or national level tasked with turning cities and communities into smart and sustainable places where people enjoy living and working, then you should come to see us to our stand to learn more about Living-in.EU and become part of the movement. Living-in.EU is gaining momentum as an increasing number of cities turn to technology to solve the growing range of interconnected challenges: mobility, energy, the economy.

Political lab: "How cross-border regions and cities will accelerate the Digital Decade"

When? 11­ October, 9:30h ­– 11:00h

Where? SQUARE Brussels Meeting Centre. Room 210

Registration here

The goal of the session is to imagine a Europe without borders in which daily life of citizens is supported by seamless digital services and Local Digital Twins will enable cross-border interoperable infrastructure. But what are the challenges that we face? And what solutions are there? Through a curated conversation a diverse group of speakers (political leader, ecosystem and technology) will share the stories and challenges to create cross-border interoperability through digital transformation. In this regard, connectivity, interoperability and faster data-transfer speeds are needed for the implementation of digital solutions for which the 5G for Smart Communities Platform will be also presented during the session.

This will set the stage for a participatory session on how cross-border regions can cooperate with each other when implementing digital solutions. Lastly, the important role of Living-in.EU in accelerating the Digital Decade will be explained, and participants will be invited to join the movement.

EU Regions’ talk: “LORDIMAS: your digital maturity check”

When? 11­ October, 10:30h ­– 10:45h

Where? SQUARE Brussels Meeting Centre, Agora 1

Registration here

LORDIMAS is a new, free interactive online tool, created in cooperation with Living-in.EU, aimed at helping Local and Regional Authorities understand where they are in their digital transformation journey and compare themselves with peers. Its launch on 2 October will be accompanied by a number of events, like the EWRC, providing an opportunity to test its features and get acquainted with it. The CoR's LORDIMAS ambassador will present the innovative tool and give first-hand feedback on its use.

Workshop: “How citizen-centred tech pilots can help address the needs of EU cities & communities

When? 10­ October, 9:30h ­– 10:30h

Where? SQUARE Brussels Meeting Centre, Room 206

Registration here

CommuniCity Open Calls offer 100 pilot grants to companies and associations to co-create innovative solutions addressing city and community needs using AI and other emerging technologies. The 1st round is based on needs identified in Amsterdam, Helsinki, and Porto, while the 2nd and 3rd rounds expand to 7 and all EU cities, respectively. The session will present the results of the 1st round of pilots, as well as the topics of the call for the 2nd round, and will identify needs for the 3rd round.

Workshop: From interoperable urban platforms to local digital twins: inclusive tools for resilient cities

When? 11­ October, 16:30h ­– 17:30h

Where? SQUARE Brussels Meeting Centre, Room 206

Registration here

European societies are changing, impacting all aspects of urban planning and governance. OASC and URBANAGE will present examples (e.g. Minimal Interoperable Mechanisms, digital twins, data spaces and AI) of how data governance and technology can accelerate collaboration and digital transformation and help create digital urban ecosystems, having a sustainable impact on cities. This workshop aims to foster data sharing, scaling of solutions, interoperability and collaboration.




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