Info Session: Big Data Testing Infrastructure (BDTI)

Big Data Testing Infrastructure
05 Jul 2023

On 4 July 2023, Living-in.EU hosted an info session on the Big Data Testing Infrastructure. 

Funded under the Digital Europe Programme, the BDTI aims to foster the re-use of public sector data and information, by offering European public administrations the opportunity to test and experiment with a wide range of ready-to-use and source tools.

The BDTI is open to all local, regional, and national European public administrations which, by participating in the BDTI, can have the opportunity to experiment with open-source technologies, free of charge, for a pilot period of six months.

During the info session, Athena Vassilopoulos and Maria Claudia Bodino from the DG Unit at the European Commission presented the BDTI initiative, the opportunity that it offers to all public authorities across the EU, some use cases of pilot projects already initiated and guided cities in the application process. 

For those who missed the info session, or would be interested in knowing more about the BDTI, the recording is available here. 

The slides are available here.

For any further information, and if you would be interested in applying, do not hesitate to contact, project officer at Eurocities or, project coordinator of Liivng-in.EU at Eurocities. 


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