European Commission launches the NEB LAB 

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Published: 26 Apr 2022

The European Commission Commission has launched the NEB LAB on the 7th April. It is a ‘think and do' tank to make the New European Bauhaus a reality through concrete and tangible projects. By connecting the initiative's growing community and sharing ideas, it will bring about beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive changes on the ground.

The launch of the ‘NEB LAB' starts with a call for Friends of the New European Bauhaus to involve companies and public actors such as regions, villages and cities, more directly in the NEB.

The Commission will also announce today the winner of an international architectural contest for a new building housing 400 researchers at the Commission's Joint Research Centre in Seville, Spain. It is the first competition of its kind explicitly linked to the New European Bauhaus. The site will become a showcase for urban and social connectivity, for wellbeing in the work environment, and for the local and global ecologies and economies of the future. The winning proposal will be announced here around 12:50 CET.

Two important surveys - make your voice heard!

The NEB Lab Regulatory Analysis and experimentation aims to explore how the regulatory framework from local to EU level can support the development of New European Bauhaus projects. As a first step, they focus on the built environment and construction ecosystem and map the regulatory barriers and opportunities through two surveys:

Are you transforming places to make them more sustainable, inclusive and beautiful? Which regulatory barriers or enablers have you encountered?Architects, engineers, urban planners, designers, public servants, companies and citizens are invited to share their experience with regulations related to the built environment and construction sector. The results of the survey will inform future regulatory actions and foster the transformation of the built environment in line with the objectives of the New European Bauhaus and Green Deal.

Share your experience by 30 June 2022

Are you aware of or have you worked on an analysis of regulatory frameworks related to the construction sector?If you have a report, study, scientific or policy paper, you are welcome to share your insights on the built environment and regulatory barriers and opportunities at EU, national, regional or local level. The reports are collected to complement the mapping of experiences.

Share a report by 30 June 2022

Broadening the community and driving change on the ground

The call for Friends of the New European Bauhaus responds to demand from public entities (such as municipalities), political organisations and companies to be involved in a more structured way in the NEB initiative. It is open from today onwards to entities that pledge their commitment to the New European Bauhaus values of sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusion. The Friends will join an existing community of more than 450 official partners, High-Level Round Table members, Contact Points of the national governments, and winners and finalists of the New European Bauhaus prizes.

Starting with this community, the NEB LAB will act as an incubator to connect people and learn from one another's experiences. Several NEB LAB projects get underway today:

  • ‘labelling strategy' project inviting experts, academics, and professionals in sustainability, inclusiveness, and aesthetics to contribute to building a compass and assessment frameworks that will help ensure projects are well-aligned with the New European Bauhaus values;
  • An ‘analysis and experimentation' project to explore how the regulatory framework, from local to European level, can support the development of New European Bauhaus projects. A survey to map the challenges and opportunities practitioners face is open now until 30 June 2022;
  • Two ‘innovative funding' projects: one focusing on crowdfunding and public funding, the other on joint funding with philanthropy. These projects will explore innovative funding solutions for New European Bauhaus projects. Everyone interested in innovative funding is invited to get involved by sharing their thoughts and experiences.

These projects add to the ongoing work to promote the transformation of places of learning, as well as three calls to support citizens, cities, and towns to take the New European Bauhaus project deep into their communities.

Three community-led NEB Lab projects are also underway, with more information on the NEB Lab website from today:

  • New European Bauhaus goes South' connects six south European counties which join forces to reflect about and improve education through architecture;
  • Nordic carbon neutral Bauhaus' is an open forum to discuss how architecture, design and art can help achieve a carbon neutral building and living environment in an inclusive manner;
  • New European Bauhaus of the mountains' seeks to improve the quality of the built environment, and citizens' quality of life, in rural and mountain areas.

For More Information

The NEB Lab website

New European Bauhaus website 


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