April 6th’s Open Living-in.EU Supporters Meeting’s materials published

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Published: 20 Apr 2022

Open and Agile Smart Cities hosted the Open Living-in.EU Supporters meeting on April 6. The focus of the meeting was to introduce the Living-in.EU movement for those companies and suppliers who have not yet signed as supporters of the movement. The meeting shed light on the movement itself and ways to engage with it in daily practice. 

The meeting specifically aimed to reach out to companies looking for ways to support cities in their green-digital transformation concretely by responding to tenders as part of normal procurement and validating the scale-out of data platforms and related services based on emerging local data ecosystems. In the meeting, experts from different fields demonstrated how the Living-in.EU technical specifications and governance have been used in practice, delivered by both cities and companies as well as national authorities. 

An update and an outlook on the technical roadmap of the MIMs Plus were also showcased in the meeting.  

You can find the recording, the slides of the presentations and a summary of the meeting here.

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