ACROSS Toolbox
The purpose of the ACROSS Toolbox is to provide public administration managers and policy makers with resources to effectively implement digital public cross-border services within the EU. The Toolbox aims to assist these stakeholders in understanding the complexities of cross-border digital public services and provide them with the knowledge and guidance needed to successfully implement these services.
The scope of the ACROSS toolbox includes the following key areas:
- An overview of the EU landscape and gaps for digital public cross-border services.
- Good practices, based on ACROSS use cases on the implementation of digital public cross-border services.
- A descriptive guide on the methodological and technical requirements for implementing cross-border services.
- Templates and tools for developing, implementing and assessing the impact of digital public cross-border services.
The Toolbox is designed to be a comprehensive resource for public administration managers and policy makers, providing them with all the necessary information to understand and implement digital public cross-border services in the EU.
The Toolbox has been implemented in the context of EU project ACROSS which aims to provide an integrated ecosystem to co-design, co-create and co-deliver user-centric, accessible, interoperable and regulation-compliant cross border digital services, while assuring the data sovereignty and control to the citizens. More information about ACROSS can be found here.
ACROSS project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 rese arch and innovation programme under grant agreement No: 959157.
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