Living-in.EU Monitoring and Measuring subgroup

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03 Feb 2023

First meeting of 2023 of the Living-in.EU Monitoring and Measuring subgroup.

Participants are coming together to discuss the first draft of the upcoming LORDIMAS survey, which aims to measure digital maturity of EU cities and communities.

This meeting is also open to non-signatory cities, if you are interested please register here.


10:00 – 10:10 Introduction to the meeting and objectives of the session CoR / EC / ERRIN

10:10 – 10:20 Tour de table All

10:20 – 10:30 Presentation of the 2023 Work Plan for the subgroup CoR / ERRIN

10:30 – 10:40 Information on the designation of Chair and Co-chair of the M&M subgroup CoR / ERRIN

10:40 – 11:00 Presentation of the LORDIMAS Survey, rationale and timeline of the activity EC / ESPON / CoR / ERRIN

11:00 – 11:40 Round of discussion and comments on the first version of the survey All

11:40 – 11:50 Feedback on the discussion EC / ESPON / CoR /ERRIN

11:50 – 12:00 Conclusion of the meeting and information of the next meeting of the Subgroup CoR / EC / ERRI


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