Intelligent Cities Challenge Conference and Mayors Business Forum


The Intelligent Cities Challenge Conference on Local Green Deals will take place in Porto, Portugal on 18-19 June 2024

The Intelligent Cities Challenge Conference on Local Green Deals is a collaborative event designed to accelerate the progress of sustainable urban development initiatives.  

Building on past successes, the Intelligent Cities Challenge Conference on Local Green Deals brings together city leaders, policymakers, industry experts, and stakeholders to explore key topics, share best practices, and develop innovative solutions. Participants will engage in interactive workshops, breakout sessions, and hands-on activities to tackle urban development challenges and seize opportunities. From examining new technologies to discussing policy frameworks and fostering collaboration across sectors, the Intelligent Cities Challenge Conference on Local Green Deals offers a platform for knowledge exchange, peer learning, and collective problem-solving. 

During the lab, cities will focus on familiarizing themselves with themes related to completing and delivering Local Green Deals. They will have the opportunity to discuss established points with experts to unlock and advance the development of their LGD partnerships. Additionally, cities will connect with their peer groups to initiate joint initiatives and address common challenges. By the end of the event, cities will depart with enhanced knowledge of how to navigate their LGD development journey and clear guidance on whom to approach for additional support. 

The objectives of the Intelligent Cities Challenge Conference on Local Green Deals are to: 

  • Facilitate in-depth discussions and knowledge sharing on key topics relevant to sustainable urban development within the ICC network. 

  • Provide a platform for city leaders, policymakers, industry experts, and stakeholders to exchange best practices, lessons learned, and innovative solutions. 

  • Foster collaboration and partnership-building among mentor cities to address common challenges and seize opportunities for collective action.

  • Explore emerging trends, technologies, and strategies in areas of mobility and transport, construction and built environment, tourism, energy and renewables, culture and creative industries. 

  • Generate actionable insights and practical recommendations to support the advancement of local initiatives and drive positive change in participating cities. 

  • Facilitate peer-to-peer learning and networking opportunities to strengthen relationships and promote cross-sector collaboration within the ICC community. 

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