Forum inCyber

Forum inCyber
Conference |
01 - 03 Apr 2025

The Forum inCyber (FIC) is Europe's largest cybersecurity event, with 19,000 participants from over 100 countries welcomed at the last edition in March 2024. The FIC is both a three-day conference - with ministers, CISOs, CTOs and European Commissioners - and an exhibition with some 500 partners present from across the public and private sectors, including a large number of start-ups, SMEs and innovative research laboratories, as well as a number of high-level speakers from the European institutions and agencies as well as Member State delegations. 

An EU Pavilion will once again host relevant European institutions, with an area dedicated to EU-funded projects, complete with a pitch area. A presence on this EU Pavilion gives projects considerable visibility and access to a wide ecosystem of cybersecurity stakeholders, allowing you to communicate about ongoing research, next steps and project results. The FIC is a fantastic opportunity to share your activities, providing possibilities for direct, face-to-face communication and networking with key players at one of the most important events in Europe. Some 79,000 individual contacts and 1,500 business meetings were held over the three days of FIC 2024.

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