Explore CEF2 Digital & awarded projects

Online event |
07 Mar 2024


Objective of the Session 

The Living-in.EU financial working group aims to explore the financial needs of cities and communities and identify available funding tools and instruments at the European Level.

In line with this objective, on 7th March 2024, the financial subgroup is hosting an online webinar to explore the Connecting Europe Facility’s funding instruments, with a particular focus on the CEF Digital for 5G and Edge Cloud for Smart Communities. The session will provide some key insights into the programme and will showcase some of the projects which have been recently selected, showcasing their best practices and  how they aim to improve Europe’s 5G and connectivity infrastructure.  

Draft Agenda 

  • 11:00 – 11:05 – Welcome
  • 11:05 – 11:20 – 5G and Edge Cloud for Smart Communities: objectives and main achievements
    • Chrysoula Lentzou, European Health and Digital Executive Agency
    • Bernadett Koteles-Degrendele, DG CONNECT
  • 11:20 – 11:35 – CEF1: Connectow

                   Ivan Kusseneers, Citymesh

  • 11:35 – 11:50 – CEF2: 5G for a Better Tomorrow: Protecting Lives and the Environment in Riga and Turin
    • Riga Digital Agency,Inga Barisa
    • City of Turin, TBC
  • 11:50 – 12:00 – Q&A session


Thursday 7 March - 11:00 –12:00 CET (Online - Registration required)

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