Empowering User Participation in Digital Twin Design

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09 May 2023


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Digital twins have the potential to revolutionize the way cities are designed, built, and managed. Still, they also have the potential to cause social, ethical, and privacy concerns if not implemented with careful consideration of the local communities.

By involving the community in the design, development, and use of digital twins, their feedback and preferences can be incorporated into the design process, which promotes more user-centric approaches. This not only increases the acceptance of digital twins by local communities but also ensures that the solutions meet the needs of the people they are intended to serve.

Moreover, local communities play an essential role in the adoption and use of digital twins, as they are the ones who will be using the technology and the services it provides. Therefore, it is essential to address their concerns and expectations regarding digital twins to gain their trust and ensure their engagement.

Objectives of the webinar

To address these issues, the Living-in.EU's Education & Capacity Building sub-group, coordinated by the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL), is hosting a webinar on Building Smarter Communities: Empowering User Participation in Digital Twin Design on 9 May from 14:00-15:30.

The webinar aims to equip participants with practical methods and successful case studies of user and citizen involvement in the design, development, and use of Digital Twins, promoting effective and inclusive citizen engagement practices. With presentations from various experts, including Forum Virium Helsinki, the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) and IMEC, among others, the webinar will explore how user-centric design approaches can be used to implement smart city solutions and improve decision-making.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn about the latest innovations in Digital Twin user-centric design and gain the knowledge and skills needed to implement effective user involvement strategies.


14.00 - 14.05 Welcome & objectives of the session Giacomo Lozzi – European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL)

14.05 - 14.15 Presentation of the topic and overview of Local Digital Twins Giacomo Lozzi –  ENoLL

14.15 - 15.00 Presentation of case studies and examples of user engagement in Digital Twin design

  • Urban digital twins for citizens? Juho-Pekka Virtanen, Forum Virium Helsinki (FVH)
  • Dynamic Visualizations to Enhance Citizens Engagement: the experience of DVECE project Josep Maria Salanova Grau & Maria Konstantinidou – Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH)
  • Scoping urban digital twins via imec's co-creative innovation management approach: PRECINCT, Bruges & City of Brussels use cases Dimitri Schuurman – imec

15.00 - 15.25  Interactive roundtable with Q&A and comments from the audience

  • Juho-Pekka Virtanen – VFH
  • Josep Maria Salanova Grau – CERTH
  • Maria Konstantinidou – CERTH
  • Dimitri Schuurman – imec
  • Participants from the audience

15.25 - 15.30 Wrapping and conclusion Giacomo Lozzi –ENoLL


Please note that the webinar is open to signatories (public authorities) of the Living-in.EU declaration only. However, if you are not but still interested in attending, you can directly register here and send an email to giacomo.lozzi@enoll.org briefly explaining your interest in the webinar.

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