DS4SSCC-DEP Stakeholder Forum

24 Jan 2024

Join us online to learn about the open call for becoming a site of data space deployment this Wednesday (24th January) 10am -12pm (CEST). This will also be an opportunity to ask relevant questions and meet other interested stakeholders. 

You can connect to the call herehttps://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0uf-yprDkrHtF6Xf091uOXf9jmlf_drxK6#/registration 

The deployment call is open to what we call "mini-consortia". These mini-consortia are formed by a minimum of two public entities from two different European member states. Additional European public/private entities can be part of these mini-consortia. They are expected to present a cross-domain use case and also show that they can finance 50% of their use cases. The winning consortia will receive 50% funding - up to 1-1,5 Million Euros. 


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